Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Drumroll Please!

Lily by B-gin-R

Boys have Cooties by Aunt Carol

Purses by Sama
Ahoy Matey by jamigirl

Happy bday giftcard holder by theboysmomShoes by watchnemgrow

And the results are in!! Here are the winners and the runners up for each category of the Girls and Guys swaps! Sugar, Spice and Everything Nice: Winners picked by my boss
Little Girls: Winner**B-gin-R
--Runners up: Jenmaass and watchnemgrow
Teens/Tweens: Winner**Aunt Carol
--Runners up: ticketbelle and mamadwawa
Ladies: Winner**Sama
--Runners up: watchnemgrow and marzipan

Snips, Snails and Puppy Dogs' Tails: Winners picked by my DH
Little Boys: Winner**jamigirl
--Runners up:jamigirl and watchnemgrow
Teens: Winner**theboysmom
--Runners up: Aunt Carol and scraprageous
Gents: Winner**watchnemgrow
--Runners up: crazynanna and Sama

A special mention (and little somethin-somethin) goes to Jenny in MN and watchnemgrow (Christine) for making those most cards. Thanks so much for all hard work and lucky are the ladies who receive your awesome creations!

1 comment:

I'm already so thankful that you decided to stop by my blog but to leave a comment too!! Yay! I'm overjoyed!