Monday, January 12, 2009

Little Bella Anya

Here is Little Bella Anya. I wished this pic showed the PP from Basic Grey's "Boxer" better. I just adore it! The Full card is a bit washed out due to bad lighting, but then again, Bella is supposed to be pale, right?


  1. Washing out - LOL... She is only human after all...

    Love the card. I can't wait to get some Anyas and Ians to play with. Now more than ever ~ thanks for sharing.

  2. Ahhhh...I love her little white T!! Have you tried taking your photo next to a window with natural daylight? That's the only way I can take my photos to get the best light on my cards. Try it next time.

    Check out TGF's blog for last Friday's post....Marie is giving away a free Ian stamp set to those people who have family in the military....your brother is in the force isn't he? You should get that set so you can make him a card. :D So glad to see you stamping again! It makes me happy.

  3. Thanks, Gals!!

    And Sandra, thanks for the info too...I'm gonna head right over to Marie's blog. :)

  4. I love your card!!!! I don't have any stamps of Anya or Ian, but they are at the top of my wish list. You and Karen are killin' me with these cuties:o)

    Love ya,

  5. She is I said Kadie your talent has grown by leaps and bounds since our first swap together. Now your making all the Cullen family trading cards. I love it! A treasure to have for sure.


I'm already so thankful that you decided to stop by my blog but to leave a comment too!! Yay! I'm overjoyed!