Saturday, January 10, 2009

Twilight Inspired

My friend, Sandra recently posted a fantastic card using The Greeting Farm's Hello Ian. In fact, she's been creating adorable cards with their stamps for quite some time now. And as it turns out TGF now has an Ian and Anya set available that is Twilight-esk and feeds my recent quasi-obsession with everything Twilight.
And wouldn't you know, all it took was a little bit of Edward to unleash my mojo.


  1. YEAH! Kadie's back :) Knew it wouldn't take you long to get back in the groove.

    Love the card - Soooo Edward - LOL...

  2. Very pretty card!!! I love their new images!!

  3. Sigh...anytime I hear the name Edward. You did a fabulous job Kadie. Of course Eddie just makes me think of a car salesman with a V neck shirt, gold chains, an grease monkey hair...I digress...Love the Edward card.


I'm already so thankful that you decided to stop by my blog but to leave a comment too!! Yay! I'm overjoyed!