Thursday, February 19, 2009

Kadie's Kandy

Hi Friends! It's almost my 31st birthday and in celebration I was thinking about giving away some delicious Blog Candy! How 'bout that??

So, here is the challenge. My bday is Feb 22 (I'll give you that much). Now all you have to do is tell me who I share my bday with AND post a link to this giveaway on your blog. If you don't have a blog, post a link showing that you told a friend (ie:a post on SCS). All the entries that have the answer I am looking for will be put into a hat and one lucky winner will be chosen on Monday, Feb 23rd. You can have up to three guesses too!

What's the prize??? An Anya or Ian stamp of your choice from The Greeting Farm.

Sound good? Good luck to all and thanks for helping me celebrate my Birthday!!

**note** I do not work for TGF, I just really love their stamps and enjoy supporting places that bring me such joy.


  1. I totally object to you giving away presents on YOUR birthday, but I love trivia!
    Happy B-Day to Kadie and Drew Barrymore!
    Catherine :D

  2. Uh-oh, a little birdie has led me to believe I may not have guessed the right co-birthday boy or girl....hmmm.....

    Okay, let's try a shout out to Kadie and George Washington! (DUH!)

  3. No no, wasn't saying that! I was not leading in anyway. I had just forgotten to mention that and I didn't want you to feel left out when I updated my post. :)

  4. Oh happy early birthday, sweet stuff! You share a birthday with many celebrities, but mostly with Jen Frost - a famous singer :) Happy Birthday, Kadie!

  5. Well that's no help! Now I don't know whether to keep guessing or not! LOL :p

  6. Kadie's Kandy sounds as sweet as Miss Kadie herself!! Our Kadie shares a birthday with such famous people as George Washington, Steve Irwin, and Frederic Chopin, just to name a few. I'm off to link this kandy to my blog. Happy, happy birthday dear Kadie!!!

    Love you bunches!!

  7. It's your birthday?!?! No way!!! And here I was thinking it was next month! ;) hehehe Have a great time on your weekend away....don't do anything I wouldn't do! LOL

    Mrs Kadie shares her birthday with Drew Barrymore, Steve Irwin, George Washington, Lord Baden Powell, Vijay Singh, Dr J Erving, and Michael Chang! Aren't they all lucky people!?


    Wow! You share your birthday first and foremost with the father of our country and the man who your home state is named after George Washington! Now I know there are lots of other famous or infamous who probably have birthdays on this date but you and George top the list!

  9. Kadie, I hope you're enjoying your birthday weekend getaway!!!

    George Washington, Drew Barrymore, Dr. J all share your birthday, but none are worth celebrating more that YOU!

    *Catherine* you make me laugh!

    Susan :-)

  10. Not sure if you are looking for one special person or any...but I think sharing a BDay with George Washington is pretty cool!

  11. Hey Kadie.....Happy happy Bday! Mu guess is the same.....ummm? Our 1st Predsident?


  12. Happy Birthday! I think Drew Barrymore is the coolest to share your birthday with, but maybe that's because I'm not American and don't feel special about G. Washington. Greetings from Belgium, Annelies


I'm already so thankful that you decided to stop by my blog but to leave a comment too!! Yay! I'm overjoyed!