Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Tell People That You Care

Good Morning (or good afternoon or evening)! I hope that you all are having a fine start to your week.
'Tell People That You Care' is my theme for today and I can't think of a person who embodies this more than my friend, Kelly. She really knows how to show and tell people that they matter and are cared for. If there's every anything going on with one of us in our little group of friends she is one of the first to send an email or drop a little encouragement into the mail. I am amazed and so grateful that our paths crossed. And I'm so blessed to call her my friend.
So, with all that said...I received a little surprise in my mailbox on Friday from Kelly. This phrase written by Susan Kantor is a handmade stamp that is only available at Kelly's LSS. I thought that was pretty cool and I am excited that I get to own one! And I couldn't agree more with that little saying. Thanks, Kel!!

Stamps: Sugar Nellie, Blossom by Leanne Ellis; Sentiment-Susan Kantor
Paper: Kraft, Old Olive, Rose Red, Cameo Coral, Raspberry Tart DP
Ink: SU! Markers; Black Stazon; Clear Spica
Embies: Pearl Dots


  1. Adorably sweet - especially the warm words in your post! I'm blessed to call you friend! This DSP is beyond gorgeous but how you pulled it all together is amazing! Love ya!

  2. Kadie, this card is beautiful! The papers and colors are gorgeous... perfect complements to the amazing sentiment!

  3. Oh my gosh!! You have those little girl stamps!! I eyed them a few months back but resisted the urge, but they are sooo cute! Kooky but cute! What a sweety Kelly is! :D And I love that saying too.

  4. I love the card and Kelly and you too! What a great sentiment and a great way to use it!

  5. I just have this one so far but I totally know what you mean...my brother asked me yesterday when I showed him this card "why are her eyes so far apart?" LOL! I think she's a doll though. Look for her again sometime next week. :)

  6. Oh My! Kadie, this card is beautiful. The sentiment is wonderful, and oh, so Kelly! She's the best among the best!!! Your card making has just gone out of this world, and I can't wait to see what you come up with next!!!!

  7. Oh, that is so beautiful...the image, the colors and especially the sentiment. You are so right about our Kelly. She's a sweetheart and so are you!!!

  8. So precious! Little girl is so sweet! And sentiment is beautiful!


I'm already so thankful that you decided to stop by my blog but to leave a comment too!! Yay! I'm overjoyed!