Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Will You Be My Friend?

Were you ever afraid of Monsters when you were little? Or afraid of the dark? I was afraid of the dark...probably still am a little bit too. LOL. I used to have this drum with Animal from the Muppets on it. It was his face on the front of the drum with that big ole crazy grin of his. Most of the time that drum would sit on the shelf in my closet and if the closet door was open when my mom tucked me in and turned of the lights, there he would be taunting me. There was no way I could sleep with the closet door open! My mom said that when I would play that drum I would beat it so hard; she always thought it was because I was so afraid of Animal! LOL! But I think Animal was actually my favorite Muppet. He wasn't afraid to be himself, even if others thought he was all crazy-like.

Well, this Big Guy is adorable to me. He looks so sweet and friendly, like he just wants a friend. It makes me think of Monster's Inc...he just wants someone to call him "kitty." I had a lot of fun with this and I even got to use my fun flock for the first time! I showed the card to DH last night and he said he liked it but wondered "what's up with the flowers?" I told him I was trying to be ironic. I hope this card makes you fall in love with Monsters...they're not so scary afterall.

Victoria Case, Monster Bedtime; Studio G sentiment
Paper: Basic Grey, Euphoria; AC textured CS Brights
Ink: SU! Markers, Black Stazon
Embies: Hazy Gray Flower Soft, White Liquid Applique, Basic Grey Two Scoops Buttons, Kaiser Scrapbook Flowers, Dashes & Dots Ribbon, Paper Piercer


  1. Awwww! I so want to call him Kitty! :D Sister, the monster I was afraid of growing up was the big, big monster guys on the Muppets! Remember them? With the big red puffy lips? Those were scary monsters! Love his purple fur and the use of flocking was a great idea! :D

  2. Kadie this is FABULOUS!! I would love to give him a hug (and he can come live in my closet if he wishes!)

  3. Soooo cute! I just want to rub his fuzzy tummy! LOL!
    Like Gael said - he can come live in my closet anytime...but he has to clean it up while he's in there! LOL!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Sandra, Yes, I remember him specifically playing a big role in Follow that Bird. I looked it up and that Muppet Monster's name is Sweetums! LOL! Now, that's irony. :)

  6. Well, now who wouldn't want to be this guy's friend? Great color choices, and I LOVE the flocking!!

  7. What a PERFECT card! Such a cute huggable lil guy! He's so yummy - and not scary at all ~ what a sweet lil guy. Awesome coloring and love love love this purple! I should show this to my dd - she'll be going gah-gah all night! *Monstah hugs!*

  8. Awww...he is soooo cute! I love the colors and Monsters Inc. has moved up on the frequent watchers list by DD. I used to not be able to dangle my limbs over the bed when I was in grade school. Everything had to be tightly tucked in. As long as there was no draft then the blanket force field was doing its job.

  9. For me it was a freaky clown (like the one in Poltergiest). Man, that thing scared the bejezus out of me... I like your version of "monster" much better.

  10. I am afraid of dar too... But your adorable Monster can be a friend to anybody!

  11. So cute!! Actually, sort of looks like me on a bad morning...haha


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