Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Welcome Baby

I made a very simple card today for some special friends of ours.
A couple years ago our friends got their foster care and adoption licenses and very soon after got a call asking them to take in a little brother and sister who needed a good home. They said yes, of course, and in August they were able to officially adopt them. A week ago they got a surprising call. Another baby needed a home...and he was the one week old biological baby brother of their two kids! Of course they said yes again and welcomed the newborn into their home. Things are still unknown as far as permanency but how awesome that he gets to be with his brother and sister and they get to be with him!
I was at the store picking up a few things to give to our friends and was also browsing through cards to slip a gift card into. Of course with this unique situation and the uncertainty of whether or not they will get to keep this sweet baby, it was hard to find an appropriate card! And that's just silly anyway, right? I make cards; that's what I do! So I kept it simple. The outside says 'Welcome' and the inside says 'Baby boy.'
Thanks for stopping by today and allowing me to share such a special story with you.
P.S. We've officially hit 50 followers (thanks Katarina)!! We will now have 2 winners in the giveaway! Woohoo!

Stamps: SU! Everything Baby
Paper: K & Company BW Baby Boy, Kraft, Certainly Celery
Ink: Chocolate Chip
Embies: Shapeabilities, Twine, Button Brads, Celery Thread


  1. What a sweet thought for your friends. Super cute card! I will say a prayer for your friend and her family. :)

  2. Such a sweet card and such a wonderful story too!!

  3. Oh Kadie :*) This just brought tiny tears to my eyes, getting all misty eyed! Your beauty and your grace just eminates through and shows so much of who you are. How blessed they are to have you make such a special, memorable card to mark a wonderful time in their lives. You are such a gift to all of us! (and this card is beautiful!) XOXOXOXO Thank you for sharing your warmth and caring right through your cards :*) You truly have a divine gift! *Hugs!*

  4. Such a sweet card and a heartwarming story!

  5. That is a great story! Amazing!
    I hope the siblings get to stay together. Your friends sound like they have very big hearts! Love stories like this!

    Kadie, even your "simple" cards are stunning!! Cute elephant!

  6. Beautiful card, Kadie and such a nice story. Your card is perfect for the occasion. Not to be judgemental but why is the mother of those 3 kids having so many kids when all of them are going into foster care? Well, I'm glad that they ended up with wonderful parents like your friend!! It's always sad when kids end up in foster care and are seperated from their brothers and sisters!!


  7. Very precious card! What a heartwarming story!

  8. Congratulations to your friends!!! I hope they will be able to keep this precious baby boy in their loving home. I will keep them in my prayers.

    I love this darling card:o) So very sweet!!! You are such a true gem!!! Sending you loads of love my sweet!!!


  9. Oh my gosh what a wonderful thing for this family and for those children!! Those children are sooo loved and appreciated and I'm so happy for them! This is a wonderful card for them! I'm so jealous that you have that label nestie set.

  10. Beautiful card! I am crossing my fingers for your friends and this little addition to their family!

  11. TFS...I hope they are all able to stay together! Sweet card you've made for them.

  12. Thank you for sharing this touching story, Kadie. You've truly made a special card for some very special friends. Lovely!!


I'm already so thankful that you decided to stop by my blog but to leave a comment too!! Yay! I'm overjoyed!