Monday, August 24, 2009

Another Bad Picture

Hi Friends!
I went to a baby shower yesterday where I presented my baby scrap album that I showed you last week. I had also made this card to match, but of course I didn't have my camera at home so... default to camera phone again and this is what you get!Thanks for stopping in for a look anyway. I hope you have a great start to your week!

OH OH and hop over to The Greeting Farm and check things out! They are having their Fall Gardener call and YOU might be just what they are looking for. I had a blast when I was a Gardener. Great team, great friends, great STAMPS...what more can you ask for?

MFT Cuddle Up Carter
Paper: Crate Paper Little Sprout
Embies: Nesties, SU Button, Martha Stewart Thread
Sandy Lion Foam Embossed Sticker


  1. Cell cam or no, this is an adorably cute card! Love our little gator friend, and the beautiful DP with it's soft colors. So cute!

  2. So cute!
    Is the gator a cuttlebug toy?!

  3. Who's the creative one? That little gator is adorable. I too am wondering if you made him, or what? I also love the way the paper matches him, dots and all! I bet your album was a big hit! I LOVED it!!

  4. This is too cute...I had to read the deets too in order to see if that gator was made or a sticker of some sorts because it is way to cute! I bet your present was the hit of the party. Look out Kadie's really going to be in business now!

  5. Yeah, sorry, girls, I was a little slow on getting the "deets" up but they are there now for inquiring minds. The gator is a sticker but IRL they look like cloth with stitching! Such a cool find! Thanks for your compliments!

  6. The picture may not be great but this card is fabulous. So adorable!!

  7. Ohhh Kadie,what beautiful,i love the image and colours.
    So gorgeous papers.

    Hugs Riet.x


I'm already so thankful that you decided to stop by my blog but to leave a comment too!! Yay! I'm overjoyed!