Friday, September 11, 2009

Time for Laundry

or not!
Personally, I would love to let all my housework go if it meant that I could stamp all day long. :)
It's Farm Fresh Friday over at the Greeting Farm and this week's challenge is to use a sketch provided by our beloved DT coordinator, Jessica. For this card I used the new stamp Laundry from the Hope and Grace collection. I think she's a doll! I also ended up flipping this sketch so that I could have the card open where the scallops are. Thanks for stopping by today and hope you'll join in on the fun!
Hugs, Kadie
Stamps: TGF HG Laundry, Hanna Stamps Domestic Goddess sentiment
Paper: Basic Grey Lemonade, Kiwi Kiss, Razzleberry
Ink: Copics
Embies: Bermuda Bay Ribbon, Scalloped punch, Pink, Green and Teal Thread


  1. Oh she is so darling and sweet awesome job.

  2. Oooh! I love this card! That stamp is tooo cute, and I love how you flipped it :)

  3. I love this card, and I LOVE that quote! HOW perfect for all of us, right? SO cute! The DP you chose is perfect for the card and your coloring is awesome. SO Glad to have you on the team, girlie!

  4. This is fabulous Kadie!! Really love the paper and the pocket idea! Might have to pick myself up that stamp now! LOL

  5. Aw.. I love this image and couldn't think of what I'd do with it! Love the card and the sentiment is perfect too!

  6. Super cute! Love the sentiment - perfect with this image!

  7. Awww this is way too cute!!! I sooo love the sentiment you used, how fun!!! And very true huh???!!!!! Love the colors on this you did a wonderful job!!!

  8. Okay, I keep telling myself not to get too overboard when it comes to Kadie. However, I can't help it whenever I see your cards!! Brilliant Amy! I love the sentiment, and she is just the cutest thing ever. Amazing color combo, I would do laundry any day with a fun laundry room like that. :D

  9. Adorable card! Love, love, love the sentiment!! I need to have stamping and crafting friends here again (all of mine moved away!) so I can quit explaining why my house is always such a mess!

  10. I'm with ya on the laundry! :) Your card is just darling! And perfect sentiment.

  11. Hi Kadie, I love your card!! I just made mine like it this last I joined your blog, you are the first person that I have met that lives in the same state as myself. I live in Moses Lake. I like you am new to this stamping, but I have to say I am abcessed...Come see my blog if you'd like. It is I am so glad to run into yours. Lisa G

  12. This is way too cute and I spy mored striped lemonade paper. Mind melding works. LOL. I love the patterns and your interpretation of the sketch.

  13. Kadie, I love the way you work so many of your cards to open creatively. I wouldn't have guessed that this was one of them if you hadn't said so. This is an adorable image, colored just beautifully with the perfect papers, layout, and embellishment choices! I can learn so much from you, so keep 'em coming, girl!!

  14. She is so sweet, Kadie! Love this stamp! And what a neat idea with the sketch! Love how you flipped it! :)

  15. Adorable! I love the pp in the oval behind her and I absolutely agree with the sentiment! In fact I was just telling my stamp club the variation "A clean house is a sign of a miss-spent life" but I like yours better!

  16. Oh I love this image. She's so fun and you've colored her amazingly. And I totally agree with the sentiment.

  17. Love this card Kadie, it's so cute and the sentiment is perfect!


I'm already so thankful that you decided to stop by my blog but to leave a comment too!! Yay! I'm overjoyed!