Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Bringing You Joy

Joy is in the air...okay, maybe it's just an extreme cold front, but Holiday Joy is coming, I assure you! Only 58 days until Christmas (I checked the official count down website this morning). My own personal joy is coming in 23 days when I'll be heading to the movie theater. :) Silly, I know, but at least I'm with friends on this one (wink wink)!
So in honor of Christmas Joy, New Moon Joy or wherever your own Joy is is Vivi the Wild Sprout Elf! You can find Vivi at The Greeting Farm. My card today is a layout CASE of one of my dear friend Tanja's cards. I received this card in the mail through our monthly sisterhood swap and fell in LOVE with this awesome layout, papers and coloring!! Check out Tanja's blog and her card HERE. XOXO, to you, Tanja!
Have a wonderful day and I'll see you again tomorrow for another TGF sneak peek and CONTEST!

Stamps: The Greeting Farm, Vivi Elf Wild Sprout
Paper: Basic Grey Eskimo Kisses, AC Textured CS
Ink: Copics, Momento Black
Embies: SU! Clip, Elements Ribbon, Frosted Lace Stickles, Basic Grey Button, Twine


  1. lol Kadie, you so made my day..I too can not wait for NOV. 20th...It is my brother-in-laws Birthday! Oh you ment New Moon? lol..just joking I am rereading my book for the 3rd time just so I will know just how much they put into this wonderful movie...Is that not weird? Oh well got to be me...Your card is just adorable! It certainly spreads joy. Have a great week..Yes, you have a friend in New Moon waiting. Lisa G

  2. Okay...I didn't realize New Moon was being released on my I think I must take the day off and go see the movie.

    How sweet is this card! I love the house scenes in the background. Makes me think this little gal is giving Santa a helping hand. Love how you colored up this cutie.

  3. {hiding in corner} I really *must* read/watch the Twilights so I know what all the fuss is about!

    Kadie, simply adorable card! Beautifully colored sweet image and such whimsical papers!

    Ah yes, holiday joy *is* a wonderful feeling, isn't it? {{HUG}}

  4. Beautiful, just beautiful! I just bought this paper and am afraid to use it, lol, but now seeing this I am soo inspired to create something wonderful! You are a whiz with the coloring, girl -- this is just darling!!!! TFS!


I'm already so thankful that you decided to stop by my blog but to leave a comment too!! Yay! I'm overjoyed!