Friday, October 16, 2009

Thrills Without Frills

Happy Friday, Friends!
I'm off to San Francisco right now with DH and some close friends of ours. Our friend is running the Nike Women's Marathon and we're so excited to cheer her on. Our long anticipated vacay also happens to fall on DH's birthday (a big ONE!) so we're going to throw in a little celebrating in his honor too! :)

Today is Farm Fresh Friday again at TGF and I hope you'll play along!! Your challenge, if you choose to accept it, is to create a fabulous card without all the "frills." That means no ribbon or flowers or bling! Kinda hard, huh? I think I cheated a little bit in adding my stickers, so I apologize, but again...I was creating it by candlelight! :) I hope you have a fabulous weekend! See you Tuesday!
Stamps: The Greeting Farm Xmas Sweeties

Paper: The Greeting Farm Merry Merry PP, Soft Suede, Whisper White
Ink: Copics, Momento Black
Embies: SU Punch, Paper Piercing Tool, White Thread, Making Memories Stickers


  1. Perfect Kadie. It is hard not to use frills.

  2. LOVED your card Kadie! You did a fabulous job of keeping the frills down to a minimum! Hope your mini vacay is wonderful!! Say hi to SFS for me! :D

  3. Kinda hard? Try nearly impossible for me!! What a challenge!! You pulled it off beautifully, though! I love the ho,ho,ho tags down the side, and your coloring is beautiful as always! Have fun in San Francisco, and Happy Birthday to Josh!!!!

  4. Wow! That's awesome! Have a SUPER time in SF and LOVE your cute Santa card! You did a FAB job on this adorable creation sans frills ;) HUGS!

  5. This is darling -- it is so very hard not to bling up a card but you did a terrific job of keeping it that way and still make it look stunning ..... Have a good trip & Happy birthday to your dh!

  6. Hi Kadie, I don't care if there are no bows,flowers or whatnot, this card ROCKS!! So so cute. I just love her. She is just adorable. Have a great vacation....Can't wait till you get back..Happy Birthday to your hubby. Have fun, Lisa G

  7. No frills - still fabulous!! Love that paper (some is on it's way to me now!!), your coloring and the stitching on the bag! :-)Traci

  8. Kadie, what a cute CUTE card! I love it! I know it's difficult to not use any frills, but it looks like you've mastered it! Wonderful job!

  9. Kadie look at that shading! Red is such a hard color to ge tgood shading on for me and you just made that santa suit and bag come to life! Absolutely gorgeous.

  10. AWW this is so cute Kadie!
    Enjoy your trip to SF!! Its a beautiful City!

  11. Very cute, Kadie. I'm kinda liking the "no frills" - perfect for boy cards. You poor thing stamping by candlelight! But I never would have guessed by the looks of this card - adorable!
    HB to DH and YGG to your friend in the marathon! Hope you had a great time!

  12. Hope you are having a fabulous time in San Fran Kadie!

    Great take on the no-frills challenge because this still has a lot of 'pop' to it! Love your coloring!


I'm already so thankful that you decided to stop by my blog but to leave a comment too!! Yay! I'm overjoyed!