Sunday, November 1, 2009

Release Day!!

Hi Friends!
I know what you're thinking...a Sunday post too, what in the world!! BUT today is the November Release over at The Greeting Farm and I'm sooooooooo excited!! Can you stand all this cuteness? Well, what are you waiting for...the stamps are on sale now!
Well, okay, before you card for today features another Twinkle Tot and this time it's a BOY! Yipee! This is Max, and what would be more fitting for a boy than video games...fitting for my man-child I colored this cutie up to look like my DH! (yes those are Atari controllers) AND in honor of mothers all over...this sentiment is for you!

Lots of hugs, Kadie
P.S. Don't forget to join us tonight on the TGF blog and PCP page!!


  1. How cute! I love the little joysticks!

  2. What a darling card! So perfect with the video games. I'm super excited for today.

  3. Yay! Release day! This is the CUTEST card-perfect for little gamers all across America! Your coloring is amazing and I can't wait to party w/ ya tonight!

  4. Awww...look at all this cuteness and even more so as a tribute to your DH. It is no wonder he picked you. Love the card.

  5. Kadie, what a cute card and *AWWW* aren't you sweet coloring him up like The Husband! I am LOLing at the Atari controllers - perfect! Sorry I missed the party but am def heading over to check out the new arrivals! {hug}

  6. Oh, Kadie, this card is so adorable! I really like the design of it!
    I would like to thank you all of the TGF Designers for the fabulous work and inspiration! :)

  7. ROFL! Atari! Oh, I still miss ours. We had so much fun, and we were totally the cool kids for having one! LOL!
    This is super cute, Kaders!

  8. Oh My Goodness...Oh my Goodness!! Kadie this is ADORABLE...Looks just like my Landon!!!!

    Hugs ~ LORi BOYD


I'm already so thankful that you decided to stop by my blog but to leave a comment too!! Yay! I'm overjoyed!