Monday, February 8, 2010

Avoid Traffic flying!
I wish! :)

Good Morning! Did you have a good weekend? Who watched the Superbowl? Did you like any of the commericials? I'm bummed that I missed the Betty White one...I'll have to go online and see it. I love Betty White. LOL!

Okay, on to my card for today! On Friday the wait was over for my much anticipated stash of brand new Cosmo Cricket papers!! Yipee!! And as I was looking at them all I realized that Amazing Duo Ian was going to be perfect for this Joy Ride paper!! I have to agree with Dan Bellack that "life is too short for traffic"---if only we all had the ability to fly like Amazing Duo Anya and Ian!! It would probably do wonders for minimizing our carbon footprint, eh? :)

This new set is currently available in The Greeting Farm store! AND stayed tuned this week because there is going to be something super sweet going on at TGF and you won't want to miss it!
See you tomorrow!

Stamps: The Greeting Farm Amazing Duo
Paper: Cosmo Cricket Joy Ride, Dusty Durango, Black
Ink: Copics
Embies: Basic Grey Buttons, Yellow/Orange & Brown Thread


  1. this is GREAT, Kadie! LOVE LOVE LOVE the sentiment, and those gorgeous warm colours!

    i can see that sentiment for many future projects! :)

  2. Awwwww ..... Katie, that sentiment is perfect. Love your card.

  3. This is fabulous! Love your card Kadie!

  4. If only(I have a 2 hour commute everyday), sigh!!! How cute and clever!

  5. Kadie, this is such a cute and clever card! :-)Traci

  6. Awww this is ADORABLE Kadie! I LOVE LOVE LOVE the adorable sentiment and your coloring is So great!

  7. Kadie! Shut up!!! This is the cutest thing ever!! How adorable and yesssssss, I totally agree! (sadly, I spent ALL DAY on the road and IN IT, lol!) THis is super cute!!!!

  8. What a riot! Love this!
    I am so glad my commuting days are over. Now it's less than a mile, but it used to take an hour one way! I totally wouldn't have minded a lift from this little cutie! Fab card!

  9. Oh wouldn't it be wonderful! I love your card - so fun.

  10. This is awesome, Kadie, and I think that sentiment EVERY time I go to the city!! This country mouse doesn't have ANY patience for traffic! Amazing card, my friend!

  11. HOW CUUUUUUTE is this!!!!The papers are perfect and your coloring is just fabulous. Love the sentiment.

  12. He is so cute...Great card.

  13. Kadie!! This is awesome! I love how you're using tags on your cards lately! They fit so perfectly with the images and this paper is perfect!! You really do such beautiful things with TGF stamps Kadie. :) (((hugs)))


I'm already so thankful that you decided to stop by my blog but to leave a comment too!! Yay! I'm overjoyed!