Thursday, March 25, 2010

TGF Sneakie Peek

It's Friday, it's Friday, it's FRIDAY!
Yipee!!!! I don't know about you, but this week just FLEW by!
AND since it's Friday, that means it's time for a Farm Fresh Friday Challenge again with The Greeting Farm!!
Today is an extra special FFF because the DT gets to show you a sneak peek of Marina Neira's new "Get Well" set that will be released on April 1st (I'm not foolin you:) !
There are two cutie images and two sweet sentiments in this set. I didn't think I had any "get well" stamps, besides sentiments, so I was very excited to see that this set was coming out! Now I can wish everyone Well! :)
The Farm Fresh Friday challenge today is a COLOR challenge. And I LOVE this combo! I flipped through my stash of My Mind's Eye paper and found this nearly perfect match! Yay! I love it when that happens!

I hope you'll play along with us this week. And be sure to check out the SNEAK PEEKS that CLUB ANYA and FRIENDS have coming up for you too!
Have a great weekend!


  1. Super cute Kadie!! Love your layout and how you cut the image out! Your colors and DPs are so beautiful together!! Perfect job with the color challenge!! Have an amazing weekend!

  2. kadie....this is precious! love the layout, the stitching, the accents, the border punch, your coloring...LOVE IT ALL! wonderfully done!

  3. This card is too cute! I love that little skunk!

  4. How sweet, I love how the band aids match the diaper, too cute!

  5. That image is soooo sweet, and you put this challenge together beautifully! The design, paper choices and coloring are perfect! I'm loving the primary colors for this challenge! All of the cards are so bright and cheerful! Beautiful job, Kadiebug!!

    Love ya,

  6. Awww this is TOO sweet-I love the heart you added ad the stitching, of course :) Beautiful work, girlie!

  7. This is just adorable! I love all the hearts!

  8. Kadie they are so cute I just want to hug them.

  9. Hi Kadie! This is such an adorable image. This sound like a fun color challenge. Great joy on the layout.

  10. Oh how sweet! I love all your elememts and the DP.

  11. Kadie this is just absolutely too cute! Fabulous paper choices and love the heart, felt, and how you cut out those critters.

  12. So darling! I love how you added the heart with the button!!

  13. Such a sweet image! Love the coloring you did here, Kadie.

  14. Miss Kadie, I spied this card on TGF blog yesterday and I just LOVED your paper and layout!! Soooooo perfect for this challenge!! Awesome job my friend!

  15. This is gorgeous! I love that you've trimmed around the stamp... my fav thing to do!! So cute xx

  16. Super cute. I really like the button with the twine.

  17. Um Hello your take on last weeks FFF was totally cool!!! I love all the different Heart patterns and that cool layout and the big Heart!!! You stole my heart with this creation way to go on this Kadie!!!



I'm already so thankful that you decided to stop by my blog but to leave a comment too!! Yay! I'm overjoyed!