Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Road Trip

Hi Friends!
How are you on this fine Tuesday? Things are good over here! I had a fabulous time with family over the weekend; celebrating Mom's Day. But, I didn't get to make a single card, if you can believe it! That definitely felt strange to me. LOL!
I'm back today though with a little cutie named Cuddle Anya! As you can see, the car is all packed and she's got her beloved teddy bear, because her and her family are going on a road trip! I'm not sure what the final destination is but it seems to me that since she's passing by Maine, Maryland and Florida that she should definitely pop in and visit some dear friends of mine. :)
I had a lot of fun with this card...sometimes I just can't help but think up a little story when I'm creating my card. Do you do that?

In other exciting news...The Greeting Farm is getting ready to release the much anticipated Roll Call set of Wild Sprouts on Saturday! So, starting tomorrow CA&F and the Farmers will be showing some sneaks! Be sure to stop by and check those out!
Have a wonderful day!


  1. So cute to take cuddle anya on a trip, adorable card!

  2. I love that super cool paper in the background, it's perfect! Cuddle is so cute, I just love her!

  3. Hi Kadie. Great colourful card. Love the image and the background is just perfect. Happy crafting.
    Love Sandra xx

  4. This is the CUTEST Idea! I always took my fave stuffed animal along for the ride!

  5. How absolutely adorable, Kadie! And lookie little Winston is hanging out the car window! :) Beautifully done ~ sure wish that was YOu in the car heading down here (I spy Florida on your DSP!!) :) Very cute and colorful and wonderfully done ~ have missed the blog rolls and visiting!

  6. What a cute card! Very creative!

  7. Kadie, this is SO cute! I love the little story cards, too! :-)Traci

  8. Awwww. She's cute, and cuddly, and ready for road trippin'! Very sweet!!! Just like you!!

  9. This is so fun & totally adorable! I sure hope she stops by to see me, and brings you along for a slumber party!

  10. Awww...I love the colors on here and Cuddle Anya is colored so fabulously to match the papers. The car is perfect for the theme! Yay! I can't wait for her to visit Maryland. Hopefully she brings you along too! {{{hugs}}}

  11. Oh My there you go again with that special knack you have with choosing great papers and that image is adorable I love her just got her in the mail the other day and can't wait to ink her up!!!!



I'm already so thankful that you decided to stop by my blog but to leave a comment too!! Yay! I'm overjoyed!