Thursday, July 22, 2010

Travels, Puddle Jumpers and Card Kits

Happy Thursday to you!!
Today I have something very special to share with you! I recently got back from a little trip to Maryland, where I got to hang with two of my stamping bff's. And one of the things we were MOST excited to do when we all got to be together in the same room, was STAMP together!! There are so many of us stampers out in blogland and on SCS and PaperCraft Planet that don't have any pals to stamp with in or around where we live; so this was a real joy to get to vacation with two of my long time buddies and get to stamp with them as well!

Something that Mary, Sandra and I have been doing for a while now, is exchanging card kits. And this has been our little way of stamping together in the past.
This time though, our kits were hand delivered by the lovely, Sandra and we got to work on them a bit together!
Sandra put together a Fabulous kit and I LOVED working with this adorable Emma Puddler Jumper stamp from Claudia and Company! I also really loved the colors and the textures from the perfectly matched for this stamp.

Thanks to Sandra and Mary for a really fun and memorable trip. And just to give you a small indication of how silly we all are and the good time we had, Mary took the picture below so that we could have a little contest. Mary has graciously offered to hand out some CANDY to one person from each of our blogs, if they can correctly guess whose feet are whose. Fun times :)
Thanks So much for stopping by today and have fun checking out Mary and Sandra's cards too! Good luck on your guessing (feet can be named #1, 2, 3 clockwise from the top)! I'll give you a of the feet in this pic does not belong to any of us! teeeeeheeeee

And here are the prizes (you have until Sunday, 9pm EST to guess):


  1. Oh, so nice bright card Kadie! The paper is so beautiful )

  2. Ok .. I'll take a shot at it :D
    Kadie top, then clockwise, Mary, Sandra, little Olivia?

    I know I am probably wrong, lol.. but how fun!!! I hate my feet... so mine would be the one in the sock, HA!!!

    DARLING card! I actually won that stamp and will be getting it soon and cant wait! Esp now after seeing your jaw dropping card! I love your style. That ribbon and fun stitched hanging sign and beautiful flower .. just all in all a wonderful little creation.

    Have a blessed day.

  3. Kadie this is just adorable! It was the best time ever watching you put this together and your process of putting together layouts and papers. Your card is so details and sooo stinkin cute. I miss you girls.

  4. Hello Kadie, I came here to see what you, Sandra, and Mary were up to with your card kit. Great card...I love the stiching and am curious if it's by hand or machine. Love the ribbon. What a fun day you all had. I'd love to spend the day with Sandra.

    Here is my guess:

    Here is my guess:

    #1 Mary
    #2 Kadie (you)
    #3 Sandra

  5. Very nice card .

    that's what I think
    1 Kadie
    2 Mary
    3 Sandra

  6. Hey Kadie! (again - lol) You're in Seattle - woohoo - my home town. Lovin that card you did. Sweet blog too, can't wait to follow you. Mary sent me so left my guess on her blog. Have a great day!


  7. Hi Kadie! Love your creation with Sandra's card kit! Hey, love everything you do. So happy you, Mary and Sandra were able to get together. I can just imagine how much fun you all had. Love the pix of the matching toes. Here's my guess:
    1 = you, Kadie!
    2 = Mary
    3 = Sandra

  8. This is too funny! :-) Looks like it was a fabulous day! Here are my guesses: #1 Kadie, #2 Mary, and #3 Sandra.

  9. What a FUN time, thanks for sharing. I love ALL the cards and think it's a hoot about the matching toes. As they say, great minds....okay, here's my guess to the BEAUTIFUL women to match up with their super cute feet:

    1 – Kadie
    2 – Mary
    3 – Sandra

  10. Your card is so cheery and adorable! My guesses are
    1- Sandra

  11. This card is so cute and fun!
    And for my guessing (clockwise from the top):
    1.) Sandra
    2.) Kadie
    3.) Mary
    4.) a little intruder :)


  12. I LOVE IT!! I'll have to say Kadie, Mary, Sandra and the cutest little foot ever. ;) I'm letting Lori know that there's the sweetest PJ here on your blog - she'll love it!!

  13. Ohhh how sweet this is - what a joyful card, gorgeous colors you've used! Love that teeny little foot the very best :) But I'd have to guess:
    #1 Kadie
    #2 Mary
    #3 Sandra!

    Hugs and happy weekend!

  14. Oh Kadie...your card is super sweet!! like I told all inviting Emma Puddle Jumper to play with you is quite the honor...thank you!!

    My guess is:
    1 - Lovely You
    2 - Miss Mary
    3 - Sweet Sandra

    HUGS - LORi

  15. Mary’s feet #2
    Kadie’s feet #1
    Sandra’s feet #3

  16. Kadie your card is super cute! Love thecolours and awesome layout. Such cute embellishments too
    I think
    1- Your foot
    2 Sandras foot
    3 - Marys foot

    love tasha xx

  17. Clockwise from the top, Kadie, Mary, Sandra... and the "mystery foot" ! LOL


I'm already so thankful that you decided to stop by my blog but to leave a comment too!! Yay! I'm overjoyed!