Wednesday, July 14, 2010

What Color Are You?

Helloooooooooooo! I'm back from vacation and boy did I have a marvelous, memorable, AWEsome, super-fun time! Hopefully I can go back again real soon...cause I want to LIVE in my friend's craft room (heehee, there's a play house in the craft room...all I need is a sleeping bag). :)

It seems like I've been away from the computer for eons! I had a friend post for me on Saturday. And I wanted to thank Sparkle once again, for letting me join in on the fun for her grand opening. What a special thing to be included in! Congrats, again, Sparks!

AND since I'm back in bloggerland, I DO have a card for you today! This one includes K & Co. paper I snagged from Mary's stash (she said I could!) and some of that cool shimmer punchinella that Farmer Randi has been using. The paper was totally the inspiration for this card using Creeper Monday from The Greeting Farm. And then I found this super cute sentiment from Inkadinkado to pair with it, as well as this nifty Maya Road flower I picked up in an AMAZING scrap store in Virgina! I've also used this week's Mojo Monday sketch 147 for the layout. And that's my card!

Be sure to stop back on Friday for a really FUN Farm Fresh Friday Challenge! Have a great Day!


  1. This is absolutely precious!! I love all the colors in the papers and the way you colored the image! Very cool!


  2. adorable Kadie!
    I love her hair!

  3. Such a fabulous card! I love your flower!

  4. Oh this is terrific - and I'm Kelly Green! LOL! ('membah my "what color are you?" scrap-page - whuda thunk! Tee hee!) What a gorgeous trio you girls made at your girls' get-together - just spied your photos on FB ... how blessed you are to have met up and planned such a fun trip :) Hugs x0x0

  5. Hi Kadie. I love the scene that you have made on this. It is just fantastic. Great card. Hugs, Lisa g

  6. Ooooh, I LOVE those pink tips! Awesome card as always, Kadie, and I'm so happy you had a great time! Heat or no heat, just being with friends is a wonderful gift! We missed ya, though!!

  7. WOW WOW WOW this is awesoe, i love how yu have used the papers and your awesome colourwork. The flower is fab
    love tasha xx


I'm already so thankful that you decided to stop by my blog but to leave a comment too!! Yay! I'm overjoyed!