Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Where Have You Been?

Or ...'where are you going' is more appropriate for me, because bright and early tomorrow morning I'm headed off on vacation!! Woohooo!
You can still count on a Farm Fresh Friday post though, of course (gotta love that auto-post)!

Did you have a nice 4th of July? We got to spend some wonderful time with both my DH and my families over the gloriously LONG weekend! AND we were trying to keep the house clean, so I couldn't pull all my craft stuff out into the kitchen, the living room, the bathroom, etc (just kidding about that last one) and create cards over the weekend.
But, alas, I DO have a card for you today!

This is little Oliver from the O&A Journey set that was released July 1 from The Greeting Farm! I just can't get enough of these O&A stamps...they just keep getting cuter and cuter!!

I chose to pair Ollie with this Cosmo Cricket Jack's World paper and sentiment, because this stamp reminded me of when I'd get in a tizzy, pack up my backpack and 'run away' down the street. I'd usually end up walking to the end of the street, sit on the curb for a few minutes--look behind me every few seconds to see if my mom was coming to find me--and then eventually *sigh* and walk back home. Oh, the drama of being a kid!!

Thanks for popping by today to check out my card! Be sure to stop back on Friday for the latest FFF challenge with TGF!


  1. CUUUUUTE!!! Love the fun color and those layered card looking pieces and what a perfect sentiment :0)

  2. Such a cutie! Your coloring is awesome! and I love how you used this Cosmo DP - love the stitching too!
    Have a wonderful vacay!
    hugs, margie

  3. This is just adorable!!! What a cutie and the sentiment is perfect! you have such a wonderful way with your papers and layering... you have a unique style. I sigh or squeal with delight every time I see one of your creations. :)
    Hope you have a wonderfully fun and safe vacation Ms Kadie!


  4. OMGOSH he is SUCH a cute and that sentiment is perfect! Love this!

  5. So very creative!! Love this, adorable!

  6. Oh my this rocks, love the bright colours and the fabulous sentiment, the layout is awesome
    love tasha xx

  7. Suhhhhweet! How adorable in each and every way! I have yet to open this paper pack - but I'm inspired now! :) Hugs! x0x0


I'm already so thankful that you decided to stop by my blog but to leave a comment too!! Yay! I'm overjoyed!