Monday, October 4, 2010

One Good Friend

Hello There!
How was your weekend? Mine was very relaxing. I even got together with my sister-in-law on Saturday and we got pampered with pedicures! Talk about relaxing! And just in case you're totally curious (I know I would be), I chose a dark shade of maroon for my toesies, since it's fall :)

I wanted to pop on and share a little card I made recently for the monthly card swap I'm in! This month's theme, hosted by the FABulous and ever so funny--Karen, was about friendship and to get a little cheeky with your message. There were some awesome suggestions for sentiments; hilarious actually, but everytime I looked through my stamps, I just could not make a perfect match...until I found these two in my bin!

The cutie pie monsters are from Stampin Bella Monstah Bash and the sentiment is from Inkadinkado. The paper is My Minds Eye, the ribbon is SU and the images are colored with Copics and Clear Spica.

Such a fun card to make...I hope the girlies like it! AND what a PERFECT day to post this card too because it's my dear friend KAREN's BIRTHDAY!!! Happy Happy Birthday, my sweet friend! I hope you're having a fabulous day!

Thanks for popping by today!


  1. Nice! i like this little monsters! :) SO sweet! :)

  2. OMGosh! Kadie, this is too darn cute!! LOVE it!!! Oh, and I count you among my good friends and you definitely make up for all the bad ones! ;)

  3. Oh I love it and the sentiment is gorgeous xx

  4. This is such a cute card! I love the image and the sentiment...I want;0)

    Cecelia B

  5. I love this little monsters. Your card is SUPER CUTE Kadie!!!


  6. what a fun card...the sentiment just adds to these cute monsters!

  7. SOOO cute! Haha I'm gonna have Monster mash in my head for SOME time ;) But that's ok-this is just DARLING!

  8. This is soooo adorable! Great image - the colours are so fun and that sentiment is fab!
    love tasha xx

  9. I like these little monster and the DP fits great. The sentiment is super !

  10. Kadie, this is too cute! You are amazing!!!

  11. LOL!! How true, how true!! But goodness! What if you have ten great friends! Then you've REALLY got something!! This is a fabulous card for Karen's swap theme, Kadie! Beautifully done as are all of your wonderful cards!

    Love ya,

  12. great monster card love the colors hugs christa


I'm already so thankful that you decided to stop by my blog but to leave a comment too!! Yay! I'm overjoyed!