Thursday, June 9, 2011

Summertime Release

Please scroll down for my Deconstructed Sketch post, or click HERE

Hi Everyone!!
Today is the day for postings!! And boy have I got some eye candy for you, because it's Release Day at Claudia and Company! Woohoooooo!

The June release includes 2 digi stamps by artist John Grutta, 1 cling rubber stamp from Jane's Doodles and a brand new cling rubber sentiment set by Claudia herself!! That's a lot to celebrate! And I hope you'll join in on the fun!! Those of you who hit each stop along the hop and leave a comment, will get entered to win a $15 gift certificate to the Claudia and Company Store!! And let me tell you, there's a lot of SA-WEET stuff in the store right now!!

So, let's get started!! You should have arrived here from Tanya's Blog, but if you've just found yourself amidst it all, you'll want to start HERE at the Claudia and Company. And a warm welcome to our Guest Designers this month!!

This is Little Miss Mia up close. She's from Jane's Doodles and comes with 2 sentiments! For her card I've used Jillibean Soup papers and a whole lotta heart!

This is John Grutta's Dolphin and it makes me want to head for the sunshine and ocean waters!! For this card I've used Cosmo Cricket Salt Air papers.

This is the second digi image from John Grutta. He has a nice summer nautical theme going and if you love Seahorses, this is the stamp for you! I used the Salt Air papers again for this card.

And lastly is the FABULOUS mega sentiment set from Claudia, perfect for any occasion. In fact, we all went ahead and made a little notecard set to show just how versatile these stamps don't even need an image to go with!

Thanks so much for stopping by to check out the new release stamps! I hope you'll hop along with us!! Your next stop is one of our Guest Designer's Jamie!!!

Here's the complete Hop List!! Have fun!!
Claudia and Company
Arlene-Guest Designer!
Kadie- :)
Jamie-Guest Designer!


  1. Such cute cards with fun colors :)

  2. fun card set!!! I like the paper piecing and the colors you chose :)

  3. Eeeeeeeeek, Kadie! This entire post gets a huge WOOOHOOO! What fun! What color! What inspirations!! My dd16 collects dolphins (well, the collectible kind, but would truly love a REAL one, lol) and I'm drooling at your inspired creations - very Miami! Gorgeous line up - each one just as dazzling as the next. Love your attention to details and the little embellies in just the right places. SUCH FUN! Blessings! x0x0

  4. You've been busy!!What wonderful creations!!

  5. Wowza, what amazing cards Kadie! Your dolphin & seahorse cards are FAB! :-)

  6. i want to say...that DT is many variety wow

  7. i want to say...that DT is many variety wow

  8. So many bright and fun cards! And I'm totally loving her cute little dress on the first card :)

  9. Love your cards. The DP you used is fantastic!

  10. I'm loving those...Really bright and colorful! I'm getting ideas here for my daughter's birthday!


I'm already so thankful that you decided to stop by my blog but to leave a comment too!! Yay! I'm overjoyed!