Monday, September 5, 2011

Sketchy Kinda Tuesday

(please click on pic for a clearer view)

Hi Friends!
Happy Tuesday!
Well, it certainly was a little bit difficult to come back to life as I know it after such a gloriously long weekend! But, I just had to so that I could share this week's Sparkle Creations Challenge with you (and because I had to return to work too).  :)

So, this week's challenge is #59 and it's a sketch challenge created by the fabulous Kim!
And since this is the start of our September preview week, you get to see some very fun and diverse examples of how to use this sketch with all of our previews showcasing Broomstick Lucy!

For my card, I've paired Lucy with some oldie, but goodie, 'Blackbird', 'Haunting' and 'Boo To You' patterned papers from My Mind's Eye. Yep, I just couldn't resist using a little bit from all three collections.

Be sure to check out what all the Gals have created for you, over at the SCRS Blog and don't forget to leave some love too! As always one lucky winner will win this adorable new Lucy stamp!


  1. eeeek! This is SOOOO darling! LOVE that DP and how you've colored her!

  2. AMAZING take on the sketch Kadie - love your colouring too!

  3. Beautiful, Kadie! I love the mix of patterns and your fussy cutting is awesome!

  4. This is just darling! I love those owls too!

  5. Wonderful card! I love how you colored her!


I'm already so thankful that you decided to stop by my blog but to leave a comment too!! Yay! I'm overjoyed!