Sunday, September 30, 2012

Crafters of Faith Blog Hop

To God who gives our daily bread A thankful song we raise, And pray that he who sends us food May fill our hearts with praise. Thomas Tallis (1505-1585)

 Welcome to the first Crafters of Faith Blog Hop!
We are so blessed to have you stop by and celebrate the beauty of AUTUMN with us!
The Crafters of Faith blogging group is a joyous blending of christian friends ~ joined together to fellowship, share our faith, build friendships and craft together!

If you are just visiting and would like to hop with us, welcome! If you hopping along already, you should have arrived from my sweet friend Carol W's blog.

This month, our hostess is Carol S! She gave us a wonderful Harvest challenge and here is what she asked us to create: "I love FALL, the colors and the smells! I would like to propose that we make a card with fall colors, it should include fruits and vegetables to remind us of the harvest. When my kids were small, I canned peaches and pears, made pickles and such. So much fun to open those jars in the dead of winter! I am looking so forward to the fall festival of Sukkoth (Feast of Tabernacles). To Biblical historians, this is the actual time of Christ's Birth and many people believe this will also be the season of HIS return. Blessings All!"

To celebrate in this glorious season upon us, here is the card I created for you!

I've use Papertrey Ink's Friendship Jar set and Fall Friendship Jar Fillers. I also paired that with the verse and paper from PTI too.
From here, continuing hopping to Tami's blog to see what Autumn splendor she has waiting for you! We also have a special little giveaway for one lucky hopper today and you can find that on Kelly's blog - the last stop on the hop! Thank you for stopping by today! In this glorious season of Fall, and the wonders of the earth changing to gorgeous colors .... in a time of gratitude and thanksgiving ... we wish many blessings for you!

Carol S.
Carol W.


  1. woww! Kadie this card is gloriously STUNNING! awesome fall colors,so vividly depicted here...I am always in awe of your beautiful paper art creation my dera friend!! Kudos and blessings to U! ♥

  2. Kadie, this card is so beautiful. The vibrant colors just pop out in your coloring and paper choices. Love that verse, too. Glad to have you in the COF group.

  3. Oh. My. Goodness! There are so many things to like on this card.

    I will start with the sentiment and how it is featured, from the font to the paper and ruffy edges.

    The stitching adds so much to the card (you will learn I cannot thread a needle or use a Sew Easy to save my life!) a great country feel to the cute jar and contents.

    I am so glad that we are in the COF together and look forward to fun times ahead!

  4. A very Beautiful Card!!I so believe in that sentiment!Love it!TFS

  5. Wow, Wow, Wow.,..Kadie bug...I love the vibrant colors the dsp, the layout the cute jar covers...this whole card is a work of art...way to go...I am looking forward to being in the COF group with you...big hugs my friend....♥♥♥

  6. Love this jar of pumpkins! I think I need pie now....Love your card, it is perfect!

  7. You sew make me want to try embellishing my cards with thread!! Loving this Girly and I am so happy to be in COF with you!

  8. OH Kadie...that jar is so so so CUTE!!!. LOVE what is inside of it. BEAUTIFUL!!!. Love that sentiment as well and the papers are perfect!!!. Blessings!!!

  9. Kadie, your card is ABSOLUTELY FABULOUS! It has so much to look at - yet doesn't look busy. That's a great balance. Love those DP's you used!!! And the stitching... WOW!!! What a great scripture, too, not to mention the jar and harvested goodies.

    It's been such fun hopping with you!

  10. Kadie--your card is great for this challenge. It met each and every component and the colors just pop off of your card.

    Thanks for participating in this first challenge/blog hop and I am blessed to be a part of such a great group of ladies!

  11. Oh Kadie this was worth the wait! Beautifully colored and the design is just so sweet! Thank you for being such a blessed part of the COF and our first hop!! Hugs!!

  12. Beautiful card and what a woderful sentiment.

    Hugs Nana
    ♥ My Crafting Channel ♥
    Email Me

  13. Wow! Your card is beautiful just like the colors you used....I LOVE that scripture! Awesome work on the challenge Hun!!!!!


I'm already so thankful that you decided to stop by my blog but to leave a comment too!! Yay! I'm overjoyed!