Friday, December 14, 2012

Chasing Snowflakes

Hi Friends!
It's Saturday the 15th and I'm so excited to take part in my second duel with the Dueling Darlings and share my card with you today!

This month Barb (my fellow DIVA) and Michelle have challenged us to make a Winter Travel themed card, complete with image from Whipper Snapper and papers from Little Yellow Bicycle.

Each of us got a FABULOUS kit in the mail (thank you Barb!!) and I used several of the items to showcase this theme! And I took inspiration from a few of the Darlings and did the inside of my card too!

I also get to share a winter travel story with you as part of our theme this month. And I have one that's very near and dear to my heart.
When I was 9 yrs old, my family got our first set of snowmobiles. We spent ever winter taking the snowmobiles on trips into the mountains or riding in the hills near our cabin. We did this every Christmas break until my last year of college. On Christmas night when I was in my last year of college, our family decided to take a ride we had taken many times before, several miles through the woods and end up on the other side at a local bar and grill. It was my Dad, my little brother and sister, myself and a few family friends. We set off and all followed one after another in a pack. Even though it's dark, you just keep going and follow the head lights in front of you.
Well, it got to the point where I was following the headlights in front of me (one of the family friends) but noticed my brother was no longer behind me. So I slowed down a bit to wait for the pack behind me to catch up. In the meantime, the lights in front of me faded away, as the distance between us grew further. And after a little wait, no lights appeared behind me. I started back up and pressed on forward to see if those that were in front had stopped to wait for me as well, but I quickly found that no one was in sight and decided I should just stop where I was at and wait.
And then I waited.
 My engine was off and I removed my helmet to listen for the sounds of snowmobiles. Nothing was near. And the night was very still. It was starting to get cold quick and a bit of panic set in.
I had become a Christian just a few years before in my first year at University and at this moment, I knew that God was with me and I began to pray. I prayed that He would send someone to find me and that I would be able to stay warm until then. Probably an hour went by, maybe more, maybe less and I kept praying.
 Then lights appeared and I jumped of my sled and waved my hands about to catch their attention. I quickly realized it was not someone from my group, but a stranger. He told me that he was trying to get to the same place that I was going to, but didn't know how he ended up in the spot that I was in, because it was not the right way. He said he knew those hills like the back of his hands and wasn't sure how he ended up in the place I was in. He pulled out his GPS and confirmed the direction we should go to get to the restaurant. I told him that I'd been praying and that God had caused him to get lost in order to find me. He thought maybe it was more by chance, but couldn't deny that it was strange for him to have gotten lost too. I told him he was like a guardian angel!

A little while later we made it to the restaurant and I was reunited with my siblings and Dad was out searching for me. And a short time later, I was reunited with my Dad too.
This was the last time we rode snowmobiles, but it was one Christmas that means more to me than I can say. And I thank God for that experience, because He uses it to remind me that He is always present and cares for me and that the people in my life are what real gifts are...not those under the tree.
Wow, that turned out to be a little long winded, but thank you for reading my story.
I can't help but think of the tragedy that occurred yesterday in CT. My heart goes out to all of those families and they are in my prayers. Such a devastating and unthinkable tragedy.

Kadie (me! eek!)



  1. Oh Kadie, your story made me so nervous! I have to stop watching Criminal Minds! LOL I am so glad that your story had a good ending and meaning.

    I love how you cut the snowflake ribbon to make fabric snowflakes. You also did a fabby job on the interior of your card.


  2. Your card is adorable. Thanks for your story. My husband, daughter, her boyfriend and I just bought snowmobiles. I will tell them your story and remind them to always know where each other are.

  3. Kadie, your story is so chilling... and such a great testimony! Thanks for sharing it!

    And your card... WOW! Love the way you put it all together and how you colored that image!

    Thank you for Dueling with us!

  4. Kadie--I too echo others that your story was/is a bit scary, but you did have a guardian angel for sure.

    Love you card and all of the layers--I love that you too cut apart the sbowflake "ribbon" The inside is perfect!

    Thanks for using this fun image in such a cute way AND for being a Great Diva!

  5. Kadie ~ Your story is proof that we always have angels following us.

    Your card is adorable. I love all the layers of patterned paper and how you used the brads in the center of each snowflake. Very creative!

    Hugs and Merry Christmas ~ LJ

  6. Wonderful card, to go with a wonderful testimony to God's love and presence with us when times are hard. Thank you for sharing both your talent at card making and your story! It's great to have you in our group!

  7. I love your card! The way you used your plaid paper is awesome I love the offset of it! Great creation.
    thank you for sharing your winter story. How scary but how affirming that God is always with us! Praise his name! love ya :)

  8. Oh Kadie what a wonderful story. I love how your prayers were answered...I also love your card inside and out. Love the layout and the way the front showcases the dsp so well...This is a beauty for sure...I am so glad you are a Diva...and a friend...big hugs my friend..

  9. Your story made me nervous....and I am so glad it had a happy ending! I don't know what I would have done in your boots!!

    Great card, great colors....very pretty blues!!

    Thank you for becoming a Diva! I really enjoy the dueling!!

  10. Beautiful card, Kadie! Beautiful story about how God listens and answers prayers! Love how you created those fabulous panels with those gorgeous patterned papers! Love your brightly colored adorable snowman skier and the way you wrapped the corners with ribbon. Love how you used the snowflake ribbon and sprinkled them across the card with brads! So creative both inside and out!!

  11. Your card is FAB as always Kadie! The color scheme is awesome & your coloring is superb...I love your story too! Very touching Hun & TFS!!!

  12. WOWW to the amazing story U shared...I still have goosebumps...
    Goregous card and wonderful layout too...such a sweet FUN image!♥

  13. Oh my, that story was a bit hairy! I'm so glad it ended well, dear friend! God always has our best intentions even in the scariest moments - praising Him yours was a good ending, too :)

    Your card is just beautiful!! What a fun design and love the bright burst of blue from the hat 'n scarf! And I'm still tickled you are a Diva! :)

    Blessings, sweet friend!


I'm already so thankful that you decided to stop by my blog but to leave a comment too!! Yay! I'm overjoyed!