Friday, April 5, 2013


Welcome to another fun Friday for A Day For Daisies!
This month's club kit is still in the works, so for this Friday we're making cards with some of our very favorite ADFD stamps!! AND this is also a challenge week, so staying in the theme of favorites, the challenge is to use your FAVORITE TECHNIQUE.

Well, I happen to have two techniques that I use on pretty much every card (at least one or the other). The first is coloring with Copic markers and the second is hand stitching. For my card today, I've done both. Also, I forgot to take another pic of the balloon, but it's doubled up and popped up, which is a fun technique as well. I colored up this stamp called One Balloon using the following Copic markers:
Overalls: E81, E84, E87
Shirt: BG57, BG53 and BG18
Hat: N7, N5, N3, N1, Shoes: N7, N5
Skin: E02, E51
Balloon: YR18, YR16, YR04
The papers are from Fancy Pants, Swagger, the twine is May Arts, the buttons are Basic Grey and the Sentiment is PTI, Mixed Messages.

There's also something SUPER EXCITING that I wanted to share with you and that is that A Day For Daisies now has stamps available in clear polyemer! Check out the ADFD store HERE.

Be sure and check out what all the rest of the team has created for you!


  1. Love it!

    I never get sick of saying that about your cards!

    Great designer papers mix in' it up jealous of that ability! And you ad Copic skills always awe me!

    Hugs my friend....Here's to a great weekend!

  2. This is so cute! I love the twine and buttons :)

  3. OOOh, your buttons and twine are soo cute! Love your coloring and I love to pop parts of the image too. Fabulous! xxD

  4. Absolutely love what you did with this image and as always your coloring is amazing!

  5. What a fun card... love the way you used the twine!

  6. well...I was lucky enough to see this card IRL...and it is absolutly gorgeous!! The details are incredible...and that way you used the twine w/the buttons is sooo absolutly clever my friend!!
    You know I want to try it!!!♥
    Thanks for being such an inspiration to me...luv ya!!xox


I'm already so thankful that you decided to stop by my blog but to leave a comment too!! Yay! I'm overjoyed!