Monday, March 9, 2015

Shapely Technique

Hi Friends! Happy Monday!
I'm wondering if anyone else is as sleepy as I am this morning? I'm really feeling Daylight savings this year. :)

No matter the sleepiness, I'm back with this week's challenge #289 over at The Pink Elephant,

I hope this counts. It's an unusual shape for me and a different kind of card technique. The super cute stamp is Puddle Jumper Kyle from By LORi Designs and the papers and quotable are DCWV.

Hope you'll join us this week at TPE!


  1. Kadie, your pocket card is wonderful; fresh, bright colours and the little boy is simply darling! I've not tried this shape (and I can imagine the mess I'd make) so I'm quite intrigued by what you've done! So thrilled to be joining TPE this week!


I'm already so thankful that you decided to stop by my blog but to leave a comment too!! Yay! I'm overjoyed!