Sunday, March 15, 2015

What's Your Brew?

Hello and Happy Sunday!

It's the 15th of the month and that means it's time for another Duel with the Dueling Darlings! This month it was my turn to hostess for the Divas and Paola for the Dazzlers. We chose a coffee or tea theme, depending on what each lady preferred. Hence the name, "What's Your Brew?"

For my card I chose to go with Coffee and the stamp from Art Impressions to answer the question. While I do LOVE a nice cup of tea, I'm finding myself drinking coffee more and more these days. It may be that I have a 7 month old and am needing caffeine. Or maybe that I'm addicted to Starbucks. Or that I just plain like the taste and smell of java. Or maybe all three :)
Order me up a grande peppermint latte, please!

Have a great day and be sure to check out the cards from my fellow Dueling Darlings (list on side bar).


  1. Hi Kadie! Love, love, love your card and the card kit you created!!! This image is such a kick and, as always, you've colored it beautifully. Great card design, papers and embellishments to "espresso" the theme!!

  2. awwww Kadie!!! LOveee this adorabilissima sweet image(yes, in italian!lol)Never seen this coffee immie before but sure would like it to became part of my collection too once I spot it!♥ Tried to leave a comment earlier but my tablet frozed on me...yikes...Love the fact you added coffee beans dp in the background....I wish we had better selections on themed d/p's here in Canada...I should just come across the border and stock up! *wink*...Awesomely done my friend! xox

  3. Holy smokes Kadie! This is a rockin card!! Tee hee, her hair makes me giggle!

    Love those DP's...and your coloring is perfect!

    What a fun, fun theme this round, thank you!!

  4. First off Kadiebug thanks for the awesome was so much fun...I love your card. Your coloring is TDF...I love the layout of the card and the way you used the dsp . Great job on the kit and your card!!!!hugs...

  5. Kadie, absolutely phenomenally fun card kit and I'm with you, bring on some coffee! It's practically the only meal of my day anymore, lol -- "alas, I went with tea in this kit as much as Love my Bux! I love the rich dark colors of this, in your coloring and the paper choice - well done! The kit was fabulous, thank you for this month's 'brew!

  6. Kadie--thanks for a wonderful kit to play with this month and again, I am sorry I am late in posting. I loved both of the images and all of the sweet embellishments. Your card is way cute--love the colors and the design! Great Challenge!

  7. Too cute! The coloring is awesome! I love the way you did the sentiment piece! :)


I'm already so thankful that you decided to stop by my blog but to leave a comment too!! Yay! I'm overjoyed!