Monday, November 17, 2008

It's Getting Colder!

Hi Friends!
I hope you are all enjoying this fine Monday morning. The temperature is starting to drop here in Seattle so I thought it was time for a winter card. My dear friend, Kelly sent me this Hanna Stamps, Ski Bunny image and I just think it's adorable! Thanks, Kelly!
Speaking of Hanna Stamps...the owner, Kristi is going through a pretty tough time right now (for details see her blog) but I'm sure it would be much appreciated if we keep her and her family in our thoughts and prayers.
AND I know you're waiting to hear who won my "But I need it" sentiment contest. I have indeed chosen a winner but I need to put the sentiment on the card and then I'll reveal the winner. Hope you all have a fun Monday!


  1. Oooo!! Can't wait to congratulate the winner! Love this card Kadie! I have some of the Basic Grey paper too! Good choice! hahaha

  2. Oooh I can't wait to find out the winner too. This is a fabulous card Kadie and I just love the colors and your coloring.

  3. Aww, this beautiful!!! I love all the blue, and your coloring is amazing!!! Another magnificent creation!!!


  4. OOh, this is fantasmic!
    Is it Pacific Point?!

    What a great idea for the colors!


I'm already so thankful that you decided to stop by my blog but to leave a comment too!! Yay! I'm overjoyed!