Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Too Good

Too good to choose just one! So, I had to choose 2 winners. I mean, I did have 2 cards, right? So, I needed two sentiments.

Actually, I could have used them all. They were all so cute, thoughtful, fun, funny and endearing and I thank you all so very much for helping me out and passing my blog along to a friend.

So without further adieu...the winners are maiahs_momma and Kelly (miamikel4)!!

inside of card

This is Kelly's sentiment and it will go on the blue card, but as I said, that one is still a work in process. And since it will be going to a very special friend, I want the rest of it to be a surprise. Thank you to all for playing. Winners, please PM me over at SCS (kmensley) to let me know what stamp set you would like or leave a comment here if you're not on SCS. Have a great Tuesday!


  1. Gasp, I'm so shocked! But Happy! Thank you - it was so fun putting on my thinking cap but even better looking at those fantastic cards! You are AMAZINGLY talented, my friend. Hugs!!

  2. Hurrah and cograts to both winners! Awesome cards Kadie - Lovin' the Hannas...

  3. Once again, I must say...these cards are FABULOUS!!!! The sentiments you chose go with them perfectly:o)

    CONGRATULATIONS, to the winners!!!!



I'm already so thankful that you decided to stop by my blog but to leave a comment too!! Yay! I'm overjoyed!