Thursday, November 20, 2008

Jolly Holly Holiday

Actually, this little cutie's name is Charlotte but she's going to be Holly today! I had promised a while back that I'd get this Charlotte stamp from Whiff of Joy inked up and into a card but wouldn't you know it took a card challenge for me to get er done. Thanks to my dear friend, Karen who was bored last Friday at work (love it when that happens) lil Charlotte got inked up and became Jolly Holly Holiday for submission into Karen's contest. It's just what I needed too, now I've got my eggnog latte in that festive red traveler from Starbucks and I'm in the Christmas spirit! Presents for everyone! ...oh wait...
Anyhow, thanks for looking and I hope you have a wonderful Thursday!
If you're having a boring day at work too, pop on over and enter Karen's contest.


  1. KADIE!!! This is a super, super card!! I love your coloring on this one!! Love it! I think I'm 'embellishment impaired', but it's obvious that you're not! :D

  2. Oh so CUTE! Jolly Holly - LOL... I love the plaid - it's perfect!

  3. Oh, thank you sooooo much for the comment. I've been feeling so blah about my card making and you've really made my day. Thank you thank you. And I would never think your embie're always coming up with new layouts for us to CASE :)

  4. Thanks, Michelle!! I'm glad you like the plaid. I seriously tried out 10 different PP's with this image and went round and round for hours just staring at it. Thanks for the encouragement!

  5. Charlotte...I mean Holly:o) FABULOUS and oh so FESTIVE!!!! She makes me want to go caroling with her!!! Everything about this card...and I mean absolute PERFECTION!!!! You colored her flawlessly...the papers are gorgeous...and the ribbon and flowers are wonderful!!! Oh how I love this adorable card!!!! You are on a roll my dear:O)


  6. OOH its adorable!
    I'm glad you inked her up. I remember STARING at the image on your blog, you know, WAY BAK WHEN YOU BOUGHT IT?! LOL Now she's in full color and might I add, too fabo for words? Card Candy on its way to you Kadie!!

  7. Wow! This is so darling! You've done a superlative job with the coloring, the design, well, everything! Love it!!!

  8. Kadie she is fabulous! Everything matches so beautifully and WOW! that coloring you did on her is perfect.


I'm already so thankful that you decided to stop by my blog but to leave a comment too!! Yay! I'm overjoyed!