Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Warm Winter Wishes

We've had an extraordinary amount of snow fall in Seattle this year! It's quite beautiful and definitely helps to get us in the Christmas mood. Even though it makes it very hard to Christmas shop! I have received some beautiful cards in the mail this year too (when the mail carrier has actually made it through the snow)! And I just feel awful that even with a few snow days I wasn't able to make cards this year. I did end up making one card though and I wanted to post it. I had said that my friends hassle me when I go a while without posting...and they do, but I neglected to mention that I actually like when they hassle me because it shows they care and it gets me off my duff and into my craft space!! This card was inspired though by one of my co-workers, who was bummed that I wasn't making cards this year. She complimented my craft by saying she looks forward to my cards...and I'm a sucker for I went home and made this one. Thanks for looking and have a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS!!


  1. and a Merry Christmas to you too! Hope you have a wonderful holiday! and I love the card!! No wonder your co-worker was sad to think she would not get one this year!

  2. Such a beautiful, wintery card! Have a very nice holiday and sending Merry Christmas wishes to you! :)

  3. Merry Christmas, Kadie! I love your bunny card! You did a wonderful job with your coloring as usual! LOVE, love , love it!!

  4. What a great bunny! I love those bunnies and your colors are perfect and wintery!!!

    Love it :)

  5. Hi Kadie! What a darling bunny winter cute! Hope you're not buried too deep in snow. Miss you on the SCS threads lately.

  6. Kadie! So glad to see you here! We've missed you on SCS! (No guilt, just love :) )
    Hope you are staying safe & warm, and that you had a wonderful Christmas!
    Flopsey is so cute! Loving this card completely!

  7. I love this bunny - makes me think of DD's special one she has carried around since she was a baby! She wants to pet your cards belly! :)


I'm already so thankful that you decided to stop by my blog but to leave a comment too!! Yay! I'm overjoyed!