Tuesday, January 6, 2009

O where o where o where is my MOJO???

Hi Friends and Happy 2009!
I'm not going to post a card today, although I do have one. I may post it tomorrow depending on how I feel. Today I think I'll just BLAH-g about it.
Have you ever sat staring at your stamp supplies for hours? And not in an adoring fashion?
Have you ever colored the perfect image and then could not for the life of you come up with papers and layout?
Have you ever gotten to the point when you glued your image to the paper and then made a bad cut or messed up some other facet...rendering your perfect image useless??
Have you ever finished a card and just hated it even after one or all of the above?
If you answered "Yes" to any of these questions, perhaps you are a perfectionist like I am.
I finished coloring an image 2 days ago and loved it but then it took me until yesterday to choose the right color combo. And then after I got the basics of the card down I kept thinking to myself, "it needs something else." Sometimes I can start with the embellishments and let them inspire the card. Other times the image or the paper are my muse. But often I have the hardest time figuring out what goes with what and where it all should go! For those of you who don't believe me, thank you kindly. :) But it's true. Sometimes the ideas are endless but when the mojo is missing, it's REALLY missing. Thanks for listening to my card making woes.
Hope you all had a great vacation and I look forward to see your creations throughout this new year!


  1. Yes, yes, and yes to everything you said! Oh where, oh where has our mojo gone...oh where oh where has it gone????

  2. Kadie, I have weeks of missing mojo!! No, I'm serious! Right before I sit down to make my HS cards. I can not create any of them on the fly. I HAVE to sktech ideas on paper or else it's a painfully slow process! Try using a sketch challenge or a color combo challenge? They help take some of the pressure off. If all else fails, CASE something! ((hugs))

  3. Yes, sweetie, I feel your pain! I'm often the same way and it's part of our creative personalities - so different and unique like each of us! Sometimes we pump them out in an hour, other times it takes days, weeks! But no matter, your end products always rock our socks and dazzle us with how fantastic they are! **Here's to finding that mojo!!**

  4. You gals are the best. Thanks for your sweet comments and encouragement. HUGS

  5. I have sat on a card idea for weeks and hated everything I came up with! LOL!

    Sometimes you just need to put the stamp down, and walk away...

    I hope you're feeling better and you get your mojo back asap! *sending good card mojo* your way!


  6. Kadie, I totally know how you feel because I've been there more often than not! Rest assured, my dear friend, you always do fabulous work, even if YOU'RE not particularly happy with it! Playing with the SCS color and sketch challenges and surfing those galleries helped me with my mojo malfunctions in the past. Sending vibes that you'll have lots of mojo merriment soon!!!
    Susan :-)

  7. Dem der winter blahs mess with everything including MOJO... You'll get it back - not to worry. Case and conquer!!!

    hugs to you my friend :)

  8. I think all of us can relate to all of the above. I was telling one of my friends that people think I "plan" to use all the embellishments on each of my cards...so NOT true. They are usually startegically placed to camouflage those cutting and coloring mistakes. Hahaha!!!

    I know the missing mojo can be frustrating, but I also know you will come with a vengeance and WOW us all with your incredible card making talent...as you always do:o)

    Hugs to you my dear, sweet Kadie!!!


  9. Kadie - it will come back, don't worry! But I know what you mean. Almost everything I do is trial and error, and every once in awhile, disaster does strike. Sketching helps me, as does starting with the DP and then finding the coloring mediums that match. And sometimes it's just a matter of finding the time (and/or energy) to even attempt to produce what I have created in my head!
    {{{Inspiration and Happy Stampin' Hugs}}}

  10. Oh for sure, Kadie! In fact, I'm having one of these moments right now. I've been working on my card for your Jan. swap and have all the elements just not sure how to put it together. LOL!!! So I come to the SCS gallery for inspiration!
    Hoping your MOJO returns soon!!!


I'm already so thankful that you decided to stop by my blog but to leave a comment too!! Yay! I'm overjoyed!