Monday, January 19, 2009

She's Got Spunk and Style

It's Monday morning again! Ah, how the weekend flies by so fast. We had a pretty eventful weekend at my house and in the midst of it all I made sure to make time to work on (drum roll please) Little Alice Anya!

I had a blast altering the Rockstar Anya image that my dear friend, Sandra was gracious to send me. And also going into the Dress Me Anya "closet" and altering some of the clothes to fit Alice's style. I really love how Alice turned out, although I'm sad that you can't see her 3-D hair in the photo (I tried, I really tried) because it's jet black.

I must be honest though and say that while I LOVE how Alice turned out and I love the PP I chose---as soon as I saw it I thought this is spunky and stylish, just like Alice Cullen---when I stepped back from the finished product I was slightly (just a tiny bit) disappointed. I am happy with all the elements (layout, embies, paper, colors) but it looks a bit too Anime to me. Regardless, I hope that it screams Alice and that you knew right away that it was none other than. She tends to stand out from her family anyway as far as style and boldness, so I think it's okay.

Hope you enjoy today's Cullen Trading card!

Hugs to you for stopping by.


  1. I LOVE HER!!! And you want to know something really funny?? I colored up Geisha Anya over the match the colors in this exact paper because I thought it looked kind of asian too! LOL *insert Twilight Zone music here* (Not to be confused with the Twilight we all know and love!)

  2. This is soooo great Kadie! I love what you are doing: memorializing the Cullens - LOL. I can't wait to see what you're going to do with Jacob. Granted he's not a Cullen but who can resist a woof woof.

  3. O-M-G this is SO CUTE! I just love it!!! The DP and colors look fabulous! (I really must to find out what you are all talking about...perhaps this evening's surfing project). ;-)

  4. Oh she's sooo beautiful and looks like the lovely Alice - don't you just love her character! You immortalized her tremendously here!

  5. How fabulously spunky!!!! She is defintiely Alice! I am in love with the gorgeous papers and all the wonderful colors!!! Who am I trying to kid? I am IN LOVE with the hold dang card!!!! Another exquisite Cullen Trading Card creation:o)

    Love ya!

  6. Just adorable! I just love this card and layout!! Thank you for much for sharing!!

    Jessica Lynn

  7. Kadie as soon as I saw the picture pop up in my blog, I thought "It's Alice!" So obviously you captured her perfectly. I love these Cullen trading cards and cannot wait for the next book to come out. Now if a baby Anya would come out then you could make little Renesme.

  8. I've got a plan in the works for her, Mary. ;) Great minds think alike! Actually, you might be able to help me out...

  9. Kadie your Cullen cards continually amaze me!! You manage to capture the personality of each Cullen beautifully! As always, your coloring and attention to detail are impeccable! I can't wait to see what you do with the rest of the family!!!!!

  10. I left you a little something on my blog:o)


  11. OOH!! THis card is TDF!!!!!!
    I love it!
    I think its my favorite of your TwAnyas so far!!!!

  12. OMGosh, Kadie! It is TOTALLY Alice!
    I love the DP - you must tell what it is! Again, your coloring and layout is just amazing!

  13. Hey Kadie! Jump over to my blog; you've been awarded!!!!!

    {hugs} Susan

  14. Gorgeous card and love your Alice, she is really the same:)


I'm already so thankful that you decided to stop by my blog but to leave a comment too!! Yay! I'm overjoyed!