Thursday, March 5, 2009

A Little Bit More

Hi friends! Thanks for all your sweet comments yesterday (glad you're not throwing old veggies at me for deciding to stretch my one card out to 3 days)! As promised here is a little bit more of my card. LOL!


  1. I see another Miss Anya!!!! Is she picking flowers in the French countryside??? Can't wait to see the whole card! :D

  2. You're killing me here, girlfriend! Do you know that??!!?? On pins and needles to see the whole card!!

  3. I can't wait until tomorrow to see the whole thing! I'm bursting here. I see another great layout and great color combos in the making. Looking forward to more please.

  4. I have two words for you missy:

    MORE PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

  5. Reveal, reveal, reveal ...... that was my best attempt at a chant! Come on, girls, join me! Unveil that beauty!!!!! Loving the color scheme so far!

  6. Kadie, you're makin' me CRAZY! Patience is NOT my virtue!! That card is looking pretty promising, but I knew it would. I'm loving the colors! Can't wait till tomorrow!!!!!

  7. Congrats and can't wait to get started with you.


I'm already so thankful that you decided to stop by my blog but to leave a comment too!! Yay! I'm overjoyed!