Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Sneaking One In

Hiya! I hope everyone is having a FABulous Wednesday!
I mentioned yesterday that because I LOVE to color, I have a bunch of images colored up just waiting for layouts. And of course layouts come a little bit slower to me. I wish there was a remedy for that because I get so excited about the images once they're colored; I always run back to my table to see if they've joined with the papers I chose and materialized into a card by themselves! A girl can dream.
So, I finally got a layout finished that I'd been pondering and staring at for 3 days and was sooooo excited to show you today BUT...
I really wanted to show you 5 cards this week (yes, I was trying to be all cool like that) and then I realized last night, after I was patting myself on the back for finishing my card, that (sigh) I have meetings tonight and tomorrow and won't be able to make 2 more cards! Arggg...
So I came up with a plan...I'm just gonna make this card last until I hit my 5 days! HAHA!! Sorry to be a tease but it'll also keep ya coming back!
See ya soon!


  1. Bhahahahahaa!! Good trick...I gotta remember that one! :D Sorry to hear you have meetings all week, but I'm LOVING the tease pic!


  3. Well, your evil plan is working...I'm totally loving what I can see so far, and am dying to see more! I'm hooked! :D

  4. Look at this! LOOK AT IT! And your mojo is missing - yeah, okay. And meetings all week?? Blah!! LOL!!

  5. ROFL Oui!....... love what I see so far! :)

  6. You're killin' me Kadiebug!! This little sneek peek has me wishing for more, so your strategy is working!!! Sheesh! I wish I was a more patient person. Don't work too hard, and I'll be stalking your blog waiting for the rest of this gorgeous creation!!


I'm already so thankful that you decided to stop by my blog but to leave a comment too!! Yay! I'm overjoyed!