Monday, November 23, 2009

The Little Things

Hello Friends and Happy Monday!
Okay, so...who saw New Moon over the weekend? I did! My brother, SIL and I all went and it was PACKED; hard to find 3 seats together. Actually, I had to politely ask someone to move over and we were 4 rows from the screen...alas, it only made Edward that much bigger to my eyes. Haha.
Well, it's a short holiday week, gotta love that! We'll be heading over the mountains to visit family for Thanksgiving. It should be fun! I hope it doesn't snow though! :) While I do love the snow, it has prevented us or made great efforts to prevent us from having pleasant journeys to visit our family in the past.

For today's card I used C.C. Designs Sugarplums Autumn Emma and I know she's a fall stamp but it just may be possible that she's sitting on that bench waiting for a few snowflakes to fall (she doesn't have to drive over the pass this weekend, she's a kid). I paired this stamp with some awesome Fancy Pants paper I was gifted and I just loved the printed sentiment so much, I just had to figure out a way to use it all!
Thanks for stopping by today and I WILL have blog candy this week to celebrate my 115 followers, but I'm still waiting for one more thing to arrive, so please keep checking back! :)
Hugs, kadie

Stamps: All that Scraps, C.C. Designs Sugarplums Autumn Emma, Bench from Dec. ATS stamps
Paper: Fancy Pants Daily Grind, AC textured CS
Ink: Copics
Embies: Basic Grey Buttons, Paper Piecing Tool, White and Green Thread


  1. Absolutely adorable. LOVE the curve & that little bench!

  2. Really, really adorable Kadie! I'm so glad you got to see New Moon! And please be careful when driving this Thanksgiving! We want you home in one piece, ok?? :)

  3. Very cute! Have a fun holiday and I can't wait to see NM!

  4. What a gorgeous card Kadie.

    Hugs Riet.x

  5. Hi Kadie
    This is to cute!
    Have a great and safe Thanksgiving

  6. Kadie this is adorable and love the way you used the paper. It does look like she is waiting for snow. Be careful on your journey adn have a great Thanksgiving sweets!

  7. Hi Kadie, she is just so cute. I love the colors that you used on the bench. I have these stamps, but on the bench that I have not used I colored it darker. I really like you bench G

  8. I love where you went with this one, Kadie! The colors are great, and I'd have never known it was a Fall stamp from the way you worked this card. Looks like snow's a comin' to me!! Awesome!!


I'm already so thankful that you decided to stop by my blog but to leave a comment too!! Yay! I'm overjoyed!