Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Jesus Is The Reason For The Season

"And there were shepherds living out in the fields nearby, keeping watch over their flocks at night. An angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were terrified. But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord. This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.” Luke 2:8-14

Today I'm joining a very special group of ladies for a very very special Celebratory Hop! It's a card hop to celebrate what Christmas truly means to each of us ladies and that is to honor Jesus. I truly am so thankful to be part of such a wonderful tribute to (and for) the reason I am the person I am today. PTL! :)
Okay, on with the show!

You should have arrived from Heather's Blog and she is the first stop of this Lovely Hop, so you're on the right track!! And speaking of that sweet lady...there are several sponsors for this hop who are offering prizes and her company Freshed Brewed Designs is one of them!
Here's what's up for grabs just for hopping and leaving comments with us today:

In addition to the official sponsors, a few stampers in the group are offering up some gifties too! You'll just have to hop hop hop all the way through to find out!
And there's also an opportunity for you to join us if you'd like! At the end of the hop, Catherine's Blog has a link where you can upload your own "Jesus Is The Reason" card!

For my card I've used an old SU set called "Baby Jesus is born" and decided to create a snow globe shaker card! I colored the image with Copics and used glitter and pearl dots for the snow. It's all held together with a piece of acetate and dimensionals. The paper is My Minds Eye and the ribbon is also SU.

Here is a bird's eye view of the card after it's been shaken a bit. :)

Thanks so much for joining us today and Merry Christmas!! Your NEXT STOP on the HOP is the Lovely Karen!!

And just in case you get lost along the way, here is the complete blog roll:
Kadie--you are here


  1. I love your card! And I love the reason for the hop. God bless!

  2. What a darling card!

  3. this is a darling image Kadie!!! Wonderful card, love the snow you added too!
    God Bless!

  4. What a fabulous card to celebrate the birth of our Savior! Love all of your attention to detail!

  5. Your card is lovely. Thanks for joining in this hop.

  6. What a wonderful idea. The card is absolutely adorable!! Thanks so much for sharing both your faith and creativity will all of us! AJ

  7. Beautiful Card, great image and i like all the glitter !!

  8. Love your card and the reasoning behind the hop x

  9. Wow....your card is really really great. I love the snow globe look, the glitter and that image...wonderful coloring!

  10. Love your snowglobe. Very cute. Thanks for sharing the true reason for all seasons.

  11. Kadie, this is gorgeous! I love this stamp! Great job! Kudos to you for sharing the real reason for the season! :D

  12. Gorgeous card Kadie!! Love it!

  13. LOVE this snowglobe shaker! Too cute! Very nice of your sponsors to give for this hop =) Hope you all have a very blessed Christmas season!

  14. Oh Kadie, this is so sweet - that image is wonderful! Love the sparkle and your "pearl" snowfall! Sweetie, you're one of those special blessings in my life who has helped me grow my faith through some very difficult times, and I'm so glad I can be a part of this most special hop with you! {HUG}

  15. This is just amazing, Kadie! I love the snowglobe idea! What a gorgeous card!!! Thanks for the sweet wishes and thoughts about our baby Max! We feel so very blessed!

    Love ya,

  16. Oh my!!! This is a glorious card Kadie! So utterly beautiful and right to the point of this blog reason,sharing the blessed Family with baby Jesus!
    (Can you believe I have this wee set and have yet to ink it??? *ouch,me bad! )
    I loveeee all the glitter too of course...Such talent you have...and I am so blessed to have you amongst my friend!*hugZ*

  17. I truly love the image, and the shaker card idea is great. I have always wondered, though, if they had snow there that night or not.

  18. I love the smiles on Mary and Joseph's faces as they reflect on the miracle of Jesus. It makes me smile too. Thanks for being part of this hop and sharing your faith and card :-)

  19. A snow globe!!! How creative! I have never seen anything like this! I adore your image, so sweet! Beautiful, beautiful card!
    Blessings and hugs,

  20. Beautiful card! This is a perfect image for the season!!

  21. Great card, Kaders! The image is cheery and the snowglobe is fab!
    Thanks so much for being part of this, and for your friendship & fellowship, which I treasure.
    Wishing you all the joys of the season. ((HUGS))

  22. wow, love your card, so pretty!

  23. What a fabulous card to celebrate JESUS
    Rebecca Minor

  24. Oh Kadie, this sure looks 100 times better than from my cell phone, lol! I have not had a chance to hop on til just now! And this is a beauty worth waiting for! So much detail and beauty wrapped into your card, love the snowglobe look - so creative! And more importantly I wanted to share how special you are and I think of you often and pray for you every day without fail. Be well, and enjoy this CHRIST-mas season! xoxo

  25. Kadie,
    your post is as sweet and lovely as you are! What an ADORABLE and touching Jesus is the Reason card. I LOVE that it is a shaker! so cool. I am just so proud and honored to have been a part of this hop with you and been able to spread the love of Christ to others.

    HUGS and have a very Merry Christmas!

  26. Love your snow-globe with the Holy Family in it, Kadie. That image is so sweet.

  27. Kadie, your card is gorgeous! I love your snowglobe... how clever! And that SU image is awesome!!!

    Merry Christmas!

  28. Wow! What a wonderful card, Kadie! Love the snowglobe technique and love even more that it celebrates the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus. Thanks for being such a terrific witness. You are in my thoughts and prayers every day, dear friend!!

  29. Gorgeous card Kadie, i love the colours and fab design. Such a cute image too
    love tasha xx


I'm already so thankful that you decided to stop by my blog but to leave a comment too!! Yay! I'm overjoyed!