Friday, December 10, 2010

Spotlight on Claudia and Company

Hi Friends! Happy Friday!!
And it's a VERY happy Friday, indeed, because today begins the December challenge over at Claudia and Company!

This month's challenge is to spotlight an area of your card. There are several ways to do a spotlight, as you'll notice in all the FABulous samples the DT has for your inspiration today. I chose to go with an almost literal spotlight and cast a beam on cute little Party time Piper here. Actually, I kinda wanted the card to look like layers of it were unfolding or being pulled up and techni-color Puddle Jumper Piper emerging from it all. :) Well, at least that was the vision, the execution is a whole other thing! LOL!

And that's my card! But before I go, I really do want to "Spotlight" Claudia and Company for a second and direct your attention to some very exciting news that was shared on the DCRU blog yesterday. Check it out!

Be sure and stop by the rest of the girlies blogs and leave them some love! Have a Great weekend!


  1. OMGosh! This is so clever and so darn cute, Kadie! I love it!!!

  2. Kadie this si one awesome design, love your spotlighting - it looks fantastic.
    love tasha xx


I'm already so thankful that you decided to stop by my blog but to leave a comment too!! Yay! I'm overjoyed!