Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Happy & Carefree

Hello, Friends!
Happy Tuesday!! It's CHALLENGE DAY over at Claudia & Company; and I've been having a blast these last few weeks being a guest with the Paper Crafting Team!

Today the challenge is a RECIPE challenge! You are to use
1 Tag + 1 Sticker + Buttons + Ribbon. And the paper craft team had this nifty coin envelope to play with also, so I incorporated that into my card too. I decided that since I had the cute coin envelope, but still wanted to follow the "recipe" and use a tag, that I would create a hidden element. As you can see below, Puddle Jumper Charlotte pops out of my card to reveal herself as a bookmark!

All of the items used for my card can be found HERE in the Claudia and Company Store. And we'd LOVE it if you'd play along with us this week. To check out all the details and see some more pieces of inspiration from the Paper Craft Team, check out today's challenge post! Have a great day!! :)

Items used on my card:
Stamps: Puddle Jumper Charlotte
Patterned Paper: American Crafts City Park
Embellishments: Buttons: Bo Bunny Delilah Collection
Wrinkle Ribbon
Kaiser Craft Pearls

City Park Stickers


  1. Oh how cute! I love the image tag hidden in the card. Awesome!!!

    Happy Birthday, my friend!

  2. This is so totally cute & creative! I love how you used the tag.


I'm already so thankful that you decided to stop by my blog but to leave a comment too!! Yay! I'm overjoyed!