Friday, February 25, 2011

Customer Blog Hop!

Hello and Welcome to Claudia and Company's first ever Customer Blog Hop!
We’re so excited to have you join us!
Today Claudia and Company is celebrating all of US; their dear friends and customers. And that includes YOU!

If you’ve just joined the fun, be sure to pop over to the Claudia and Company Blog to start the hop and get all the deets!

For my hop card, I've used an image called Easter Basket by John Grutta; Claudia and Company's newest designer. I've also matched this image with fun and cheerful My Minds Eye papers from the Fine and Dandy line. I just LOVE those colors and paired with this image makes for a fun Easter, Spring, or maybe even Mom's Day card! This image and all of the other sweet stamps you see today, can be found HERE in the store.

Now, back to the hop! Be sure and leave a comment on each of today’s fabulous posts, to be eligible for the prizes that are up for grabs! You'll have until Monday, February 28, 12pm EST to comment. Winners will be announced on March 1, during their Release Day Showcase.

Here is the complete list of stops on the Hop! Thanks for joining us and happy hopping!


  1. Super Duper Pretty Kadie Girl!! Love your style!! Thanks for putting this hop together...Fun Fun!! hugs -LORi

  2. So pretty, Kadie! Love the spring feel!! Thanks for including me!

  3. Kadie, your card is stunning! Love the papers and how you placed everything on your card. Of course, your image is colored to perfection, too! Very pretty!

  4. So glad that you introduced me to these wonderful stamps! Your card is truly deliscious!

  5. Love all the colors! Simply Beautiful!! I'm your newest follower! Thanks for the Blog Hop!! Anita

  6. Oh wow Kadie girl this is STUNNING! I LOVE the layers on the card and the fun layout and your coloring is stunning!

  7. This is beautiful Kadie! I LOVE LOVE LOVE the papers and this layout is fabulous!

  8. Love these cards.

  9. Awwww this is just darling! What a fun, wonderful and bright card - an awesome reminder that He is bringing warmer days, green grass and all the splendor of Spring! GORGEOUS over the top FAB coloring, my friend! I'm in LOVE with this sweet layout, too - well, I love all of it! Thanks for wonderful hop creation and including such paper yumminess for all of us to drool and admire! :) x0x0

  10. Kadie, you make the most awesome cards! Love the all the pretty papers and your tilted panels!! Love that beautifully colored image too! So happy to be blog hopping with you, dear friend!!!

  11. oHHHHHHHhh!! Kadiebug this is a GLORIOUS card...sooo much *YOU* in all the fabby details,colors,and of course, your signature stitching!! LOVE IT a whole bunch and more!!!
    So happy to be 'hopping' w/you my sweet friend!:o)

  12. Lovely card Kadie!! Lovin' the papers and great layout. Thanks so much for putting this hop together for us!!

  13. Kadie!!!!!!!! This is SUPER duper fabulous!!!! I don't know how you cut this out. The layout is amazing and your coloring is da bomb girlie!!


  14. WOWZA, Kadie! This is beautiful! Awesome colors/coloring, and what a fantastic layout for this card! Wonderful, and thank you so much for orchestrating this fun hop! I enjoyed it very much!'

    Love ya,

  15. Papers are so cute. Love this card.

  16. I love how you colored the image and put the big egg behind it. Nice layout of the papers too. Thanks for setting us up with all the links. :)

  17. How cute is this card!!! WOW! Love the colors!!! Amazing!!! Great job!!!

  18. Kadie, your sweet creation reminds us that spring is just around the corner! The layout is fantastic; great to show of those yummy MME papers! And the fussy-cut image is so sweet! Thanks for inviting me to the hop and introducing me to these adorable stamps! Love ya sweetie! {HUG}

  19. Beautiful coloring and such a pretty card.

  20. Oh my goodness I am in LOVE with this card!!! Gorgeous papers and wow at the coloring on this image. It has so much depth and the colors are so rich. Makes me all the more excited for spring :D

    Have a wonderful weekend Kadie girl!

  21. Kadie this is just awesome! It really says spring with those gorgeous papers and your fabulous coloring. Those duckies are just too cute.

    It won't be long my friend before I get to visit. I'm soo excited. Mmmm...crab.

  22. Kadie, this card screams spring. Your card is so cheery and fresh! I think we are all looking forward to springtime.


  23. Wow, such a beautiful card! I love everything about it! Very inspiring :)
    hugs, margie

  24. That card is so pretty! I didn't plan on sending out Easter cards this year, but I don't think I can resist!

  25. I like how you used several different papers and gave them each their own spotlight.

    nginerd at gmail dot com

  26. Love your paper choices - fabulous card creation!

  27. This is adorable! Great design and papers!


I'm already so thankful that you decided to stop by my blog but to leave a comment too!! Yay! I'm overjoyed!