Monday, February 28, 2011

Tomorrow, Tomorrow

Happy Monday, my dear paper crafting friends!
I just wanted to say...
1) wow!! The Claudia and Co. Customer Blog Hop was such a blast and all of the projects were SO COOL!
2) tomorrow is Release Day over at Claudia and Company and there are several new stamps for March that will be showcased!
3) it's a new term for C&Co and I'm thrilled to get to join these sweet ladies (click here to see DT announcement)

and lastly, much much love to the amazing group of gals I've had the pleasure of stamping along side these last 6 months.
LORi, Kim, Krista, Risa, Sandra, Sheri, Tori and Tracy. You are all so sweet and sooooo talented! Thanks for inspiring me and for your sweet friendships. I'm so excited to get to continue working with many of you! And even though dt's come and go, you can bet I'll still be stalking your blogs to see what your creative minds are coming up with! Lots of love to you, Girlies!

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I'm already so thankful that you decided to stop by my blog but to leave a comment too!! Yay! I'm overjoyed!