Thursday, April 7, 2011

He Is Risen, Indeed!

"He had no beauty or majesty to attract us to Him, nothing in his appearance that we should desire Him. He was despised and rejected by mankind, a man of suffering, and familiar with pain. Like one from whom people hide their faces He was despised, and we held Him in low esteem. Surely He took up our pain and bore our suffering, yet we considered Him punished by God, stricken by Him, and afflicted. But He was pierced for our transgressions, He was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on Him, and by His wounds we are healed. We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to our own way; and the LORD has laid on Him the iniquity of us all." Isaiah 53:2b-6 Hello and Happy Thursday! A bunch of us have decided since we did a "Jesus is the Reason" hop during Christmas time, that it be only fitting we do a similar hop in honor of Easter (or Resurrection Day). Thank you for joining us!

I've chosen to include the passage above from the book of Isaiah, because this is what Easter means to me. To me it's not about the bunnies and the coloring of eggs, although those things are fun. To me it's about the greatest gift I've ever known. Jesus walked this earth, suffered an unreasonable death and triumphantly rose from the grave for one purpose and one that He could extend an immeasurable amount of Mercy and Grace to everyone who would call on His name.

This is why I celebrate Easter...and I'm not trying to push any agenda by sharing this today, I just wanted to share my heart and also show a couple of cards to honor of this time of year.

Thanks again for stopping by and Happy Easter to you and yours.
And here is the complete hop order:
Kadie--you are here
Thanks to Catherine and Heather for organizing and graciously offering blog candy. ♥


  1. Sooooooo sweet and pure, the true love of His shining right through! I so agree that it's so wonderful so share His message, but in your own way - the greatest gift aside from His love He has given to us is the wonderful way to worship and fellowship with others! And your card, with it's vintage look and beautiful passage, just gorgeous ..... blessings to you, sweet Kaders! x0x0

  2. Oh Kadie. I am speechless! What gorgeous cards. My heart filled with his love and joy just looking at them and thinking about his sacrifice he made and that HE IS RISEN! What a powerful message that is being given through your cards.
    So happy to be a part of this hop with you.

  3. Thanks for sharing your card Kadie - the colours you used in your first card, immediately reminded me of the tomb, empty - the stone rolled away. I don't know if that's what was intended...but it's reminded me again that Jesus did indeed have the victory, especially in rising from the dead - I look forward to Him returning xx

  4. Absolutely beautiful, the card tells it all!! Great job!

  5. Wow Kadie, these two cards are so beautiful, and the message from one verse is so powerful! Nothing but gorgeousness here!! Enjoy the day!


  6. Oh Kadie! Where to begin? Your cards are stunning! Each so different and beautiful! I LOVE that stamp set! You've inspired me both spiritually and creatively and what an honor to be a part of this hop with you, my friend!

    I love ya!

  7. Awesome! Those cards are amazing! The vintage feel of the first card with the subtle background image with the beautiful button filled embellishment in the all of it! And the beautiful simplicity of the second card is so very nice. I love the ribbon drapped over the stamped image of the cross....very simple and powerful. Well done. God Bless!

  8. what a wonderful reminder for this time of year. The verse says it all and you two cards honor it very well

  9. Both are stunning cards, kadie!!
    I must admit that I love the understated elegance of the second one - truly a testament of your love of and to Him~

  10. Your cards are truely inspired! Thank you for sharing!

  11. Wonderful cards- I love the passage and the simplicity of the 2nd card you made with it- LOVE THEM BOTH. tHANKS FOR THE INSPIRATION TODAY. bLESS YOU!

  12. ohh Kadie! what stunning cards you created for this special hop...
    Each are sooo gorgeous yet so different...I loveee the understated vintage look of your first card and its embossed sentiment and the semplicity and crispiness of your second one...if I were to pick one over the ot too her I sure wouldn't be able to decide...*smile*
    I am feeling so blessed to be together, yet again, on this new wonderful blog hop to celebrate the real Easter 'REASON'...
    Luv ya girl! *hugs*

  13. Oh Kadie, dear sister in Christ, thank you so much for sharing the Isaiah scripture which prophesies the life and love of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! Your witness is truly inspirational and shows us your thankful and loving heart in your beautiful cards! I am so grateful that we rejoice together on Easter day and say "Alleluia! He is Risen Indeed!"

  14. Oooh.. I love these!! He is Risen indeed! YAY!!! :D What great love and how wonderful to get together like this to remember his love and share it with blogland! Thanks for sharing!
    (hugs and prayers)

  15. Stunning Kadie!!! What a blessing!!
    So glad to be on this hop with you!!

  16. Kadie, Kadie, Kadie...both of your cards are breathtaking, and the verse you shared says it all...along with your loving post!!! You sweet Kadie are a blessing to all of us!!! I know I have been an absentee friend, but you are always in my thoughts, in my prayers and in my heart!!! You have been a huge blessing in my life, and I thank God for bringing you into it everyday! I hope you know out of sight does not mean out of mind. I love you, dear friend and am honored to be a part of this hop with you:)

    Much love,

  17. Love your beautiful card and your message. TFS

  18. I love both of your cards! So different yet both very striking in their message. Thank you for sharing the real reason why we celebrate Easter. God bless! Sarah

  19. Lovely cards! A true blessing. I'm so glad to find bloggers and card makers who are willing to share their faith openly with the world. Thank you.

  20. Lovely post Kadie! Your cards are beautiful too. I love that you posted the part from Isaiah - I am thrilled you all are doing this hop to remind us all of the real reason for Easter :)

  21. Oh Kadie, your love for our Lord literally shines through your heartfelt and moving post. And your cards are just amazing - Each is so different from the other in style, yet both evoke the powerful message of Christ's loving sacrifice and joyful resurrection!

    Sweet Kadie, I'm so grateful God crossed our paths. I consider you a truly special blessing in my life, and I'm so happy to be part of this amazing hop with you. May God bless you today and always! Love ya! {hugs}

  22. Oh Wow, Kadie, I love your cards...they are simply beautiful and deliver the message with astounding have done a marvelous job with these...I am so grateful that the Lord above had gifted me with your friendship...

    Big hugs to you,
    ♥ Carol

  23. Kadie, your cards are beautiful! I love the one with the door especially.
    Thank you for sharing the passage from Isaiah. That one truly says it all. It was great to be on this special hop with you. Hugs,

  24. What beautiful cards. I am loving this hop so much. As a Christian, I am feeling so blessed... Thank you. pjritsema at gmail dot com

  25. Oh, Kadie! Thank you so much for being part of this, and even more for sharing your frienship and faith with me. (((HUGS))) Your cards are beautiful. From the distressed and antique look of the first, to the quiet joy of the second - they say it all. (((HUGS)))


I'm already so thankful that you decided to stop by my blog but to leave a comment too!! Yay! I'm overjoyed!